From: Hans-Peter Diettrich on
tino schrieb:

> I am very new to Linux (using it about a week or so..

I'm using Linux a bit longer, but still cannot give concrete advice :-(

> I'm using a Windows Vista 64bit host machine, on which I installed the
> latest VirtualBox (3.2.6).
> The problem occured when using a guest machine image based on Linux 8
> Helena.. being a newbie I thought this image could help me start
> without the need of installing everything from scratch, at least till
> I acquire enough knowledge to do so more confidently

Installing Linux can be fun, depending on the distro. I'd give it a try,
at least...

> I've been using Virtual Rails for about a week.. pretty quick
> and with no special effort I got 13GB out of the available fixed 15GB
> used (I realise a more experienced Linux user could maybe have done
> what I did with less.. but in my feeling 15 GB are
> pretty limiting and I don't wish to constantly keep worrying about the
> capacity of my guest machine..)
> Therefore - went ahead and read about resizing partitions..

You may be better of with a second virtual drive, that you mount for
your existing (or better a new user) home directory, or as a dedicated
~/Data directory. Even if Linux has only one root directory, you can
mount additional disks (partitions) as any folder. Simply think of
~/Data like of a Windows D:\ drive. The only requirement: the mountpoint
(folder) must be empty, or a new folder, otherwise you cannot mount
anything into it. Then move all important files from your home directory
to that new directory or user, and don't forget to clear the trash
folder. Then 15GB should be enough for the OS disk.

> Have found some really great tutorials out there and followed a
> procedure using GParted Live CD in order to copy the existing
> partition into a bigger one.

I never did so, moving bootable systems looks quite complicated to me :-(

> Anyway, when I try to copy only the primary partition and resizing it
> to the new bigger HD it works fine..but when I try to boot with the
> new image as a primary master (after removing the smaller old vdi
> file) - I get a blank black screen with a white static underscore at
> the top
> left (there's a better name to it I think.. just can't recall it
> now..).

That's why I ... ;-)

> I simoltaneously installed a fresh Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on my VB (with
> 100GB *grin*) thinking I should be doing the whole configuration and
> stuff by myself now..

Consider to use multiple disks or partitions the next time, for e.g.
/usr, /tmp and /home/yourname - have a look at the suggested mountpoints
in GParted. Extending such additional partitions should be easy, later,
because they do not affect booting from your dedicated OS drive.

From: Hans-Peter Diettrich on
tino schrieb:

> sorry (blush).. did a bit of a mess here with my replies and quoted
> text..

Yes, strip down the quoted text to the essential parts.

> anyway, want to make sure I say this -
> @ DoDi - thank you for your comments and suggestions.

Feeling happy :-)
