From: Alessandro Fachin on
Hi all,

sometimes (...) I need to trace the complete flow of mails through
postfix queues until the delivered to dovecot (including the clients
connections/disconnections and obviously the operations execute by
Mailscanner). Usually I trace it with tail -f mail.log grepping
sender/receiver or message id but it's a little bit silly do it every
days, I notice that I can't use pid to trace these actions. Exists a
logview for postfix that do that? Or a way to associate an unique id to
a mail process ? Best regards.

From: "J. Roeleveld" on
On Friday 20 November 2009 14:15:16 Alessandro Fachin wrote:
> Hi all,
> sometimes (...) I need to trace the complete flow of mails through
> postfix queues until the delivered to dovecot (including the clients
> connections/disconnections and obviously the operations execute by
> Mailscanner). Usually I trace it with tail -f mail.log grepping
> sender/receiver or message id but it's a little bit silly do it every
> days, I notice that I can't use pid to trace these actions. Exists a
> logview for postfix that do that? Or a way to associate an unique id to
> a mail process ? Best regards.

I could also use a tool like this.
For me it's even more difficult as postfix appears to give emails a new ID
after it gets the email back from amavis.


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