From: Franziska Neugebauer on
mueckenh(a) wrote:

> On 12 Feb., 13:53, Franziska Neugebauer <Franziska-
> Neugeba...(a)> wrote:
>> > Please use the coordinate system which I have defined.
>> Reducing a tree or of a path to a simple set of nodes is accompanied
>> with a loss of information, namely the loss of the information of the
>> connectedness of the nodes.
> The connectedness is given by the stucture of the tree.

Your claim is:

| >One cannot determine merely from a set of nodes for a given
| >tree whether that set of nodes is or is not a path. [<-- FN]
| One can. [<-- WM]

As I have shown in my example one cannot. How long do you want to argue
that fact?

> The connectedness of elements of a matrix is given by the structure of
> the matrix.

1. I don't see any relevance to your claim.
2. Please define structure of a matrix.
3. Since when are elements of a matrix "connected"? Please define:
"To elements m_ij and m_kl of a matrix m are connected iff, ..."

>> Hence your "coordinate system" does not
>> allow binary trees to be "located" at a unique position. In other
>> words: A set of nodes is not sufficient to uniquely *determine* trees
>> or paths.
> No, but it is sufficient to determine uniquely all paths of my tree.
> See the simple example above.

If the object of your investigation is a special, single, hand-crafted,
unique tree you should try to avoid positing claims which merely sound
universally valid. Fallacy of faulty generalization.

>> As I have shown in my example solely from the set of nodes of a tree
>> and a set of nodes of a path you cannot generally decide whether
>> these sets have been originally derived from a tree which contains
>> that path or does not contain it.
> Given my fixed cordinate system, there remains no ambiguity at all.

Then we are no longer talking about binary trees in general.

F. N.
From: mueckenh on
On 12 Feb., 13:59, Franziska Neugebauer <Franziska-
Neugeba...(a)> wrote:
> mueck...(a) wrote:
> > Set theory, however, says: If the union of all finite paths,
> > 0., 0.0, 0.00, 0.000, ... ,
> > is in the tree, then the infinite path p(oo) = 0.000.... is in the
> > tree too.
> No contemporary set theory or graph theory does posit such a nonsensical
> claim. It is entirely *your* claim, better known as

It is easy to recognize from the union of all finite segments of N.
Set theory says: If the union of all finite segments,
{1,2,3,...,n} is present, then the infinite set N = {1,2,3,...} is
present. (In fact set theory says: N is the union. But I don't know
how this is accomplished.) Or do you see a difference betwee n the
union of all finite segments and N?

Regards, WM

From: mueckenh on
On 12 Feb., 14:29, Franziska Neugebauer <Franziska-
Neugeba...(a)> wrote:

> > The connectedness is given by the stucture of the tree.
> Your claim is:
> | >One cannot determine merely from a set of nodes for a given
> | >tree whether that set of nodes is or is not a path. [<-- FN]
> | One can. [<-- WM]
> As I have shown in my example one cannot. How long do you want to argue
> against facts?

All you have shown is that some clumsy notation is always capable of
destroying meaning.
> > The connectedness of elements of a matrix is given by the structure of
> > the matrix.
> 1. I don't see any relevance to your claim.

Sorry, to make it easier seems impossible to me.

> > Given my fixed coordinate system, there remains no ambiguity at all.
> Then we are no longer talking about binary trees in general.

I never did so. I use one very special tree and its finite subtrees as
a tool for a general proof.
(I like trees in nature, like the trees in the Harz mountains, but I
have no special connection to trees of graph theory.)

Regards, WM

From: G. Frege on
On 12 Feb 2007 05:48:47 -0800, mueckenh(a) wrote:

> Set theory says: If the union of all finite segments, {1,2,3,...,n}
> is present, then the infinite set N = {1,2,3,...} is present.
Only in WM's dream world. (Hint: "is present" is not a term used in
any standard set theory.)

> In fact set theory says: N is the union.
That's better now.

> But I don't know how this is accomplished.
It's "accomplished" the following way:

N = U {1,...,n}. (*)

With other words, (*) is a theorem in, say, ZFC.

You can also formulate it the following way:

N = U {{1,...,n} | n e N}, (**)

i.e. the union of the set {{1}, {1,2}, {1,2,3}, ...} (containing all
finite segments of the form {1,...,n} with n e N as elements) is N.


"Learn some logic. Learn some mathematics. Or better yet, give up
mathematics and take up basket weaving." (quote from sci.math, @WM)


E-mail: info<at>simple-line<dot>de
From: G. Frege on
On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 14:59:42 +0100, G. Frege <nomail(a)invalid> wrote:

> It's "accomplished" the following way:
> N = U {1,...,n}. (*)
> neN
> With other words, (*) is a theorem in, say, ZFC.
> You can also formulate it the following way:
> N = U {{1,...,n} | n e N}, (**)
> i.e. the union of the set {{1}, {1,2}, {1,2,3}, ...} (containing all
> finite segments of the form {1,...,n} with n e N as elements) is N.

We even have:

N = U {n}.


N = U {{n} | n e N},

i.e. the union of the set {{1}, {2}, {3}, ...} (containing all
singletons {n} with n e N as elements) is N.

With other words,

U {{1}, {2}, {3}, ...} = {1, 2, 3, ...}.


"Learn some logic. Learn some mathematics. [...]" (a quote from
sci.math, @WM) - But I doubt, you ever will. :-)


E-mail: info<at>simple-line<dot>de