From: Art on

I have re-posted this after a nil response from P7 Dreamweaver forum.
It may be a machine problem rather than an application problem...sorry for
cross posting...
but I could do with suggestions from those better qualified than I am!

* * *

I am in the ( now stalled) process of migrating to a new HP Computer running
Win Media Centre.

Having installed DW8, on start up ( of DW8) I get this error message:-

The following javascript error(s) occurred:

At line 56 of file "C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver

Reference Error: dwscripts is not defined.

All the files mentioned are in place and I have only created one new site
and installed a few P7 extentions.

If I open a page I get this error message:-

While executing inLoad in_onOpen.htm, the following javascript error(s)
In File ""_onOpen"":
ReferneceError: onOpen is not defined

I have updated Java - which has not removed the problem.

If you have any advice or will be appreciated.



From: David Powers on
Art wrote:
> Having installed DW8, on start up ( of DW8) I get this error message:-
> The following javascript error(s) occurred:
> At line 56 of file "C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver
> 8\Configuration\shared\common\scripts\dwscriptsExtdata.js"

> I have updated Java - which has not removed the problem.

It wouldn't. Java has absolutely nothing to do with JavaScript. They are
totally unrelated languages.

You almost certainly have a corrupt file cache. Try the solution here:

David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)
Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)
From: Al Sparber- PVII on
Would you be "Kate"? If so, I answered your post this morning. Since it
really wasn't a product support issue, we try to answer general
questions within 24 hours. Here was my reply:

"Hi Kate,

Your symptoms really sound like you have more than PVII extensions
installed. Perhaps you upgraded an older version of Dreamweaver or
perhaps you attempted to move files from one computer to another without
a proper installation. The error you are mentioning would come from
either a deeply corrupted installation or the installation of some
poorly implemented extensions from some known culprits who manipulate
and abuse the onOpen DW function. I would wipe clean the DW installation
and start again."

Al Sparber - PVII
Extending Dreamweaver - Nav Systems | Galleries | Widgets
Authors: "42nd Street: Mastering the Art of CSS Design"

"Art" <sales(a)> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I have re-posted this after a nil response from P7 Dreamweaver forum.
> It may be a machine problem rather than an application problem...sorry
> for cross posting...
> but I could do with suggestions from those better qualified than I am!
> * * *
> I am in the ( now stalled) process of migrating to a new HP Computer
> running
> Win Media Centre.
> Having installed DW8, on start up ( of DW8) I get this error
> message:-
> The following javascript error(s) occurred:
> At line 56 of file "C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver
> 8\Configuration\shared\common\scripts\dwscriptsExtdata.js"
> Reference Error: dwscripts is not defined.
> All the files mentioned are in place and I have only created one new
> site
> and installed a few P7 extentions.
> If I open a page I get this error message:-
> While executing inLoad in_onOpen.htm, the following javascript
> error(s)
> occurred:
> In File ""_onOpen"":
> ReferneceError: onOpen is not defined
> I have updated Java - which has not removed the problem.
> If you have any advice or will be appreciated.
> Art

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