From: Christopher Muto on
Christopher Muto wrote:
> Christopher Muto wrote:
>> Acf wrote:
>>> On Jun 27, 5:47 pm, Acf <acf...(a)> wrote:
>>>> How can you delete safely, a program, that was downloaded by mistake,
>>>> and do to a virus, cannot remove
>>>> it in the normal way. E.G.Control panel, Add and Remove . When I try
>>>> to do it It comes up with
>>>> a Cannot remove without CD or installation disk. I never had a disk!
>>>> The Program... Micro.Net Framework 3.0 Service pack 2
>>>> Dell 8200 Winxp IE8 sp3
>>>> I have tried the microsoft route but I just got totally confused!
>>>> Sorry
>>>> for my ignorance.
>>> The reason I need it deleted, is that Auto Update keeps trying to
>>> update it, and it fails, and scools to
>>> to fix it, because my compuert in in peril!
>> assuming you are talking about windows xp, vista, or 7.... use system
>> restore to bring you back to a point in time prior to the installation.
> one other suggestion... the .net framework failed updates (and
> constantly retrying) is a total nuisance and pretty common problem.
> microsoft has a .net removal tool as do some bloggers and once .net
> components are removed then if you can reinstall it along with all of
> its update if you want.