From: Kid on

Is there some API to check and enumerate "!" "?" "X" device state in
device manager ? What do these states mean and where can I query the error
codes ?

Thank you .
From: PavelA on
On 28-Sep-2010 09:49, Kid wrote:
> Hi
> Is there some API to check and enumerate "!" "?" "X" device state in
> device manager ? What do these states mean and where can I query the error
> codes ?

This can be received from SetupDiGetDeviceProperty,
The properties are DEVPKEY_Device_DevNodeStatus, DEVPKEY_Device_ProblemCode

For XP - call CM_Get_DevNode_Status. The device instance can be obtained
from SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo, in SP_DEVINFO_DATA.DevInst.

The problem codes are CM_PROB... defined in cfg.h
For example, the notorious error 10 is CM_PROB_FAILED_START,
error 12 (no resources) is CM_PROB_NORMAL_CONFLICT, 22 is CM_PROB_DISABLED.

Hope this helps.
-- pa