From: Harv on

I am trying to run the following command in Exchange Powershell (Exchange
2007 SP1)

Get-adpermission -identity domain\username

[PS] C:\Documents and Settings\>get-adpermission -identity domain\username
Get-ADPermission : The operation could not be performed because object
'domain\username' could not be found on domain controller 'DC2'.
At line:1 char:17
+ get-adpermission <<<< -identity domain\username

Even though I can login to the machine using the same account. I can see the
account in Active Directory user and computers as well . Can someone point
me in right direction what I am doing wrong


From: Andy David {MVP} on
On Fri, 15 Aug 2008 11:13:22 -0700, "Harv"
<harv(a)> wrote:

>I am trying to run the following command in Exchange Powershell (Exchange
>2007 SP1)
>Get-adpermission -identity domain\username
>[PS] C:\Documents and Settings\>get-adpermission -identity domain\username
>Get-ADPermission : The operation could not be performed because object
>'domain\username' could not be found on domain controller 'DC2'.
>At line:1 char:17
>+ get-adpermission <<<< -identity domain\username
>Even though I can login to the machine using the same account. I can see the
>account in Active Directory user and computers as well . Can someone point
>me in right direction what I am doing wrong

Could be AD replication.
Did you create the mailbox/account recently?