From: Pasacco on

During synthesizing in XST of ISE 6.3, following error (?) is

Does anyone have experience on this trouble?

Thankyou for information in advance


failed to translate terminal to FCT

$n0133[7] =
If $n0243 Then $n0297[7]
If $n0245 Then $n0299[7]
If $n0247 Then $n0301[7]
If $n0249 Then $n0303[7]
If $n0251 Then $n0305[7]
If $n0253 Then $n0307[7]
If $n0255 Then $n0309[7]
If $n0310 Then address[7]
Default <u>0

Total memory usage is 58984 kilobytes

ERROR: XST failed
Process "Synthesize" did not complete.

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