From: tim1948 on
Yesterday there was another commit of Ekiga3, which I was trying to
build (on 8-STABLE, i386). One of its dependencies is opal, whose
build failed as follows:

Stop in /usr/ports/net/opal3.
xw4400# grep SAFE_ZRTP Makefile
..if !defined(SAFE_ZRTP)
IGNORE= please build devel/libzrtpcpp WITHOUT ports SSL and re-run
build with SAFE_ZRTP set

I was able to build libzrtpcpp. Although the above statement is not
quite clear, it seems to indicate that SAFE_ZRTP should be set in
Opal's options, though there is apparently no other reference to it.

(I'm just having trouble with this one port. If the solution doesn't
come immediately, I'll try some other projects until it does.)