From: bef on
In the old days everybody tried to use filenames containing only
alphanumerics and underscores ("_"). The MS came up with "do what you
want" filenames and left the handling to the developers. A long time
the old conventions were still used - especially by professionals.
What strikes me oddly is that even NI stopped thinking about that stuff.
Take the vi "open/create/" from the vi.lib\file.llb. What are
you supposed to to with that on POSIX-Systems (Linux, Solaris, ...).
Even NI's own VIs (like the Librarian Functions, eg
vi.lib/Utility/libraryn.llb/Librarian Path can't handle

So here are 2 questions:

1. is there a way to escape special characters like '/'? I have tried
the UNIX-way (escaping with '\' but that does not work in paths)
2. Can't we all stick to the old rules? Even blanks can be tough to
handle (but we learned to live with that), putting slashes in filenames
should be fined! So, next time you put a '/' in one of your filenames
think about cross platform compatibility and use some other character
(like underscore '_'). And finally, if you just can't leave it, buy me
a beer everytime you use '/' and I will stop griping...
From: Darren on
Yup, whoever named that VI "Open/Create/Replace" and stuck it in an LLB was obviously not looking toward the future.  However, that VI probably came into existence when I was in high school, so I have no idea who did it.  Thankfully, we nixed that VI in LabVIEW's been replaced with a built-in LabVIEW function.
From: Warren Massey on
shoneill wrote:
Personally, I've made a copy of the really offending VI using underscores and saved it in the same LLB.  This way it shows up nicely on my menu.  Additionally, I've changed the original icon to one with a nice big red X through it to remind me to NEVER use it.

This is a good idea but I'm not really sure if this is possible in LV v7.1
I can add the red X to the offending icon and save it that way so that it now appears in the function palette that way.
I can also save a renamed copy of the VI to C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\vi.lib\Utility\file.llb\ but I cannot find a way to make this new copy appear anywhere in the "file I/O" function palette.
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