From: Leon on

WI want to find the rigth IEproces and kille it.
What I have is the Window Title of the IE window from followíng code

set oShell= createobject("shell.application")
on error resume next
for each oWin in
if err then exit do
if qIE then
sTitle= oWin.document.title: if err then exit do
if trim(sTitle)= "" then
sTitle= oWin.locationurl: if err then exit do
end if
wscript.echo sTitle
end if
loop until true: err.clear

on error goto 0


I want to look for the rigt windows title in the loop trough the IE
windows and
when found find the associated PID and then kill it

How do I do that?

Best regards
From: Mayayana on
I want to look for the rigt windows title in the loop trough the IE
windows and
when found find the associated PID and then kill it

How do I do that?

You don't need the PID. Just do oWin.Quit.
(That works for me on XP running IE6 without
restrictions. I assume it works on Vista/7
as long as you started the process, but one
can never assume anything just works when
it comes to IE 7/8.)

From: Leon on
That was fairly simple..
I'm not familiar with all methods and properties. New area for me


On 28 Jul., 15:06, "Mayayana" <mayay...(a)invalid.nospam> wrote:
> I want to look for the rigt windows title in the loop trough the IE
> windows and
> when found find the associated PID and then kill it
> How do I do that?
> ----------------------------
> You don't need the PID. Just do oWin.Quit.
> (That works for me on XP running IE6 without
> restrictions. I assume it works on Vista/7
> as long as you started the process, but one
> can never assume anything just works when
> it comes to IE 7/8.)