From: ScottMcP [MVP] on
On Oct 24, 11:23 pm, Bidski <bids...(a)> wrote:
> That still doesnt appear to be working as expected. The form is still
> displaying to the screen fully loaded and if I display a message box
> in the event handler it appears before the form does. Is there some
> sort of definitive way that I can test to see exactly when the event
> is being triggered?- Hide quoted text -

MessageBox is not a good test since it pumps messages when it is
displayed, possibly changing the flow. The definitive way to trace
the sequence of operations is to add OutputDebugString calls here and
there. The output appears in the Visual Studio output window.
From: Bidski on
On Oct 26, 2:58 am, "ScottMcP [MVP]" <scott...(a)> wrote:
> On Oct 24, 11:23 pm, Bidski <bids...(a)> wrote:
> > That still doesnt appear to be working as expected. The form is still
> > displaying to the screen fully loaded and if I display a message box
> > in the event handler it appears before the form does. Is there some
> > sort of definitive way that I can test to see exactly when the event
> > is being triggered?- Hide quoted text -
> MessageBox is not a good test since it pumps messages when it is
> displayed, possibly changing the flow.  The definitive way to trace
> the sequence of operations is to add OutputDebugString calls here and
> there.  The output appears in the Visual Studio output window.

This is definitely still happening before the dialog is shown to the
screen. My code is as follows:

BOOL CInventory::OnInitDialog()

// Some loading happens here

OutputDebugString("Calling OnDialogLoaded\n");
::PostMessage(this->m_hWnd, WM_DIALOG_LOADED, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);

OutputDebugString("After PostMessage\n");

return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE

LRESULT CInventory::OnDialogLoaded(UINT wParam, LONG lParam)

// I do my loading here.

OutputDebugString("OnDialogLoaded completed\n");

return 0; // I handled this message

And here is a small transcript of the debug window

Calling OnDialogLoaded
After PostMessage
OnDialogLoaded completed
// The form displays to the screen here.


Does that look like it should? Can you give any further pointers?

From: ScottMcP [MVP] on
On Oct 26, 3:51 am, Bidski <bids...(a)> wrote:
> Calling OnDialogLoaded
> After PostMessage
> OnDialogLoaded
> OnDialogLoaded completed
> // The form displays to the screen here.
> Does that look like it should? Can you give any further pointers?
> Thanks
> Bidski

Yes, that looks right. A couple of things you can try to see what is
- Add an OutputDebugString to OnPaint
- Add a Sleep(2000) in the message handler.

When I do this I see OnPaint execute before the message handler

From: Bidski on
On Oct 27, 4:39 am, "ScottMcP [MVP]" <scott...(a)> wrote:
> On Oct 26, 3:51 am, Bidski <bids...(a)> wrote:
> > Calling OnDialogLoaded
> > After PostMessage
> > OnDialogLoaded
> > OnDialogLoaded completed
> > // The form displays to the screen here.
> > Does that look like it should? Can you give any further pointers?
> > Thanks
> > Bidski
> Yes, that looks right.  A couple of things you can try to see what is
> happening:
> - Add an OutputDebugString to OnPaint
> - Add a Sleep(2000) in the message handler.
> When I do this I see OnPaint execute before the message handler
> executes.

OnPaint is executing after the message handler for me
From: ScottMcP [MVP] on
On Oct 26, 3:49 pm, Bidski <bids...(a)> wrote:
> OnPaint is executing after the message handler for me

That's really surprising. It works for me, and has always worked for
me. Did you try it in a little new project? Which OS version are you