From: Andrzej Adam Filip on
"David F. Skoll" <dfs(a)> wrote:
> RICCARDO wrote:
>> #O QueueLA=8
>> #O RefuseLA=12
>> #O DelayLA=0
> The Sendmail defaults are utterly inappropriate for Linux. I use:
> O QueueLA=1000
> O RefuseLA=500
> Or in .mc language:
> define(`confQUEUE_LA',`1000')dnl
> define(`confREFUSE_LA',`500')dnl
> In other words, I don't want sendmail to stop, regardless of load
> average. And I *certainly* don't want it queueing, but not
> delivering, if the load average is high.
> I have seen Linux boxes with load averages over 200 happily processing mail.

For my curiosity:
Is there a way to get "non Linux" LA (Load Average) on Linux?
[ LA without processes in IO-waiting state ]

[pl>en Andrew] Andrzej Adam Filip : anfi(a) : Andrzej.Filip(a)
People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war, or before an election.
-- Otto Von Bismarck