From: Bin on
Hi All,

I have a question about the "rayleighchan" function. I want to know
what is the relationship between the input parameter "pdb" and the
channel PathGains of the output channel object?

when I use the rayleighchan function to creat a 4 path Rayleigh
channel object, I find the channel PathGains of the output channel
object is not proportional to the input "pdb" parameters, I am not
sure what is the problem, so I wish somebody can help me, thanks.


Mu = 10^(-6);
fd = 0; %% The amximum Doppler shift f_d is 240 Hz.
Ts = 0.1 * Mu; %% The time duration of the transmitted sequence in
time domain is Ts.
Tau = [0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3]*Mu; %% Delay vector.
pdb = [-4.0 -3.0 0.0 -2.6];

pdb_real = 10.^(pdb/(10)); %% Delay vector in real values.

chan = rayleighchan(Ts,fd,Tau,pdb);
chan.ResetBeforeFiltering = 1;
chan.NormalizePathGains = 0;

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