From: Josh Cheek on
[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 1:45 AM, Steve Wilhelm <steve(a)> wrote:

> Josh Cheek wrote:
> >
> > # How about something like:
> >
> > max = 100
> >
> > low , high = [ rand(max) , rand(max) ].sort
> >
> > difference = high - low
> >
> > middle = low + rand(difference).to_i #to_i for if low and high have
> > same
> > value
> >
> > puts "low = #{low}"
> > puts "middle = #{middle}"
> > puts "high = #{high}"
> The problem with your solution is that low and high can be the same
> number.
> --
> Posted via
In that case, the cardinality of the solution set is 1, perhaps not
desirable for a guessing game, but it is not stated that this should not
happen, and if no minimum range is specified, then it is subjective where
that line is drawn. ie if a solution set with cardinality 1 is not
appropriate, then what about a solution set with cardinality two? At what
point do we say the numbers are sufficiently far apart that they are

Perhaps a different approach is required altogether. Instead of giving the
maximum value the numbers can be, give the minimum and maximum difference
between the numbers. I don't see much value in a minimum number anyway,
choosing a random number between 90 and 100 doesn't seem to offer anything
over choosing a minimum number between 0 and 10.

While I think saying "give me an upper bound between 10 and 20, with a
target between 0 and that number" is a better approach, it is not what was
asked for, and I thought it would be better to answer the question as asked,
than to impose my own restrictions.

From: Giampiero Zanchi on
a lot of improvements is possible;

range_size = 64
n_middle = rand(101) + range_size
n_decrease = rand(range_size)
n_left = n_middle - n_decrease
n_right = n_middle + (range_size - n_decrease - 1)
p "#{n_left} - #{n_middle} - #{n_right}"
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