From: Better Info on
On Sun, 21 Feb 2010 06:28:35 +1000, Doug Jewell
<ask(a)> wrote:

>Better Info wrote:
><snip lots of useful stuff>
>> Bonus points for reading: What's the most reactive solvent in the world?
>> And no, it's not sulphuric, nitric, phosphoric, nor hydrochloric acid. Nor
>> is it lye, to cover the bases. (pun intentional)
>> Hint: The astute might guess correctly.
>I would have to say Dihydrogen Monoxide by a long shot.
>Although it is useless on most plastics, and needs an
>additional reagent for most metals, it is a very effective
>solvent indeed. In many cases, even if it won't dissolve the
>substance directly, it can act as a carrier for other
>chemicals to dissolve a huge range of substances.
>Gotta be careful with it tho - it is a powerful inhibitor of
>lung function, and thousands die every year due to it's
>lung-inhibiting properties. There's also a great body of
>evidence that indicates it's vapours are a powerful
>greenhouse gas. Even so, I find it so useful that I keep
>copious quantities on hand at all times.

And we have a winner!

Nasty stuff that dihydrogen monoxide. I always have to dilute it with high
percentages of ethyl alcohol or something to make it safer to handle. I've
heard about a few special-interest groups that are trying to get the
production of it banned world-wide.

An even more OT p.s. Does anyone know what you get when you mix plexiglas
with nitric acid? Knowing how many explosives are formed from organic
compounds and nitric acid, I've been avoiding putting or dropping anything
on top of the splotches and stains of the plexiglas cover on my lab table
where some nitric acid spilled. The deeply frosted regions seem stable, but
I'm wary. I was using the nitric to refine some sterling silver to pure
silver at the time.

From: editor on
Finally got some Stik N Seal today (the plain version) and used it to
repair that small cut in camera bag - of course with dSLR out of the
bag. Also used it to fix purse shoulder strap whose leather layers
were separating. It worked fine for both.
Thanks to those who'd suggested it. - your source for hard-to-find stuff!