From: Tony Proctor on
If I save the data as UTF-8, and then load it using that code I pointed to,
I don't get any square boxes. The w-/y-circumflex simply fall-back to plain
w/y characters.

Tony Proctor

"MSK" <mannaikarthik(a)> wrote in message
Yes, you are correct...

if I save the file in Unicode format - " �, � " chars are coming
fine but w , y are tured as junk chars.
In the given example (Dod �'ch busnes i Gymru) - in this line " �
" is appearing fine but the next char " ' " is appearing like a

If I save the file as UTF-8 format ....all the chars are messed up.

just tell me is it possible with VBA or not...atleast I can update my


From: MSK on
How did you load ? Can you please pass me the code.. ? Did you use any
builtin methods to convert ?

I tried to load like the following

open <filename> for input as #1
do while end of file
line input #1 ,ABC
close #1

using the ABC (string) variable I filled the combo box

Can we get the y,w (circumflex) chars also as it is?


From: Tony Proctor on
As I stressed above, you have to read it from the file in binary mode (not
with Line Input), and then convert it from UTF-8 to Unicode.

The following code assumes the utf.txt file contains a properly-flagged
UTF-8 content (e.g. as saved by Notepad). Note that this means there will be
a magic 3-byte UTF-8 marker at the start of the file. The UTF8->Unicode
conversion will convert this to the Unicode marker &HFEFF.

'============== Start Form1 ===========
Private Const CP_UTF8 = 65001

Private Declare Function MultiByteToWideChar Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal CodePage As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
ByVal lpMultiByteStr As Long, ByVal cchMultiByte As Long, _
ByVal lpWideCharStr As Long, ByVal cchWideChar As Long) As Long

Public Function sUTF8ToUni(bySrc() As Byte) As String
' Converts a UTF-8 byte array to a Unicode string
Dim lBytes As Long, lNC As Long, lRet As Long

lBytes = UBound(bySrc) - LBound(bySrc) + 1
lNC = lBytes
sUTF8ToUni = String$(lNC, Chr(0))
lRet = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, VarPtr(bySrc(LBound(bySrc))),
lBytes, StrPtr(sUTF8ToUni), lNC)
sUTF8ToUni = Left$(sUTF8ToUni, lRet)
End Function

Private Function ConvertUTF8File(sUTF8File As String) As String
Dim iFile As Integer, bData() As Byte, sData As String, lSize As Long

' Get the incoming data size
lSize = FileLen(sUTF8File)
If lSize > 0 Then
ReDim bData(0 To lSize - 1)

' Read the existing UTF-8 file
iFile = FreeFile()
Open sUTF8File For Binary As #iFile
Get #iFile, , bData
Close #iFile

' Convert all the data to Unicode (all VB Strings are Unicode)
sData = sUTF8ToUni(bData)
sData = ""
End If
ConvertUTF8File = sData
End Function

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim vLine As Variant, sFileBody As String

' Load the UTF-8 file body into a Unicode string variable
sFileBody = ConvertUTF8File("utf.txt")
' Remove the leading Unicode marker from the body (i.e. the &HFEFF
sFileBody = Mid$(sFileBody, 2)
Debug.Print sFileBody
' Now add the separate lines to out list box
For Each vLine In Split(sFileBody, vbCrLf)
List1.AddItem CStr(vLine)
Next vLine
End Sub
'============== End Form1 ===========

Tony Proctor

"MSK" <mannaikarthik(a)> wrote in message
> How did you load ? Can you please pass me the code.. ? Did you use any
> builtin methods to convert ?
> I tried to load like the following
> open <filename> for input as #1
> do while end of file
> line input #1 ,ABC
> loop
> close #1
> using the ABC (string) variable I filled the combo box
> Can we get the y,w (circumflex) chars also as it is?

From: MSK on
Excellent !!! Its working fine. Thank you very much for continuous


From: MSK on

I am facing some different issue now..Can you please clarify it ?

As I said earlier I am developing some word templates , it has some
GUI, controsl in that GUI will be filled based on the config file, this
file will contain some welsh chars. These welsh texts have be placed in
the in body text of the template.

Now everything is working fine in Office 2003 + XP. but I came to know
that some (reasonable number) users may access these templates from
their NT + Office 97 systems.

So I tested these templates from a NT + Office 97 PC, these chars are
appearing as small square or box.

Do you have any idea ? please pass on your thoughts on this

Is it possible with NT + 97 ?

Many Thanks.


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