From: Dan on

"Zeno" <momo2804(a)> wrote in message
> Thanks for all the replies.
> Points taken actually the IIS website is an internal application and
> its running on a VM. So I'm going to take a snapshot of the VM and
> then do the upgrade but just wanted to get some insight into any
> potential issues with the IIS after the upgrade before hand.
> Cheers guys...................

Given that info, I'd leave it well alone rather than risk breaking it. There
might not be any problems straight after the upgrade, but until every part
of the application has been used there could be hidden problems that might
affect it.

For instance, on my Windows 2003 system the DST handling in the CRT seems to
be using the old US settings - DST switchover on first Sunday in April -
whereas my Windows 2000 systems all correctly switched to UK BST on the 28th
March, all my testing with the Win32 API on the Windows 2003 server on the
2nd April gave the correct UK BST time but one object I use which uses the
localtime function in the CRT was one hour out until the 6th April. The
vendor just kept telling me that the object worked correctly on his system -
but that didn't help me one bit for that 1 week where the object was using
the wrong time. If you had a time sensitive component of that application
and your Windows 2003 was showing the same issue as mine (CRT appears to not
be using the updated DST handling) then you won't notice any problems until
later in the year by which time it's too late to stop that upgrade!

(as a sidenote, I still need to get this Windows 2003 server sorted out -
although it's fully patched so I can't see how it's a Windows issue - or the
component replaced sometime before the DST switchover in October or else
I'll have another period of the wrong times, but it's not "mission critical"
as it's just an email component).
