From: agou on
Hi, group

I generated a IPIC interface by the Create and Import Peripheral Wizard

to access PLB_DDR blockon the PLB bus.

I chose the DMA, user logic Master Support mode. And then try to
develop my own logic based on the generated files. Here, I have one

To write to an address on PLB bus, I need to provide two addresses:
IP2IP_Addr which stores the source data and IP2Bus_Addr
to which writes the data. Do I need to instantiate a BRAM in the FPGA
to provide the source address?

What I am not clear is whether the BRAM is compatible the IPIC logic.
Or do I have to instantiate another PLB_Bram and then hook it up to the
PLB? Are there any other simple method?

Thank you for the help.

From: Nju Njoroge on

Please refer to this thread:

(Google "PLB Master" in Googe Groups and this will be your first hit).

Properly using the IP2IP_Addr in the IPIF is what allowed my master to
work properly.

Good luck,


agou wrote:
> Hi, group
> I generated a IPIC interface by the Create and Import Peripheral Wizard
> to access PLB_DDR blockon the PLB bus.
> I chose the DMA, user logic Master Support mode. And then try to
> develop my own logic based on the generated files. Here, I have one
> problem:
> To write to an address on PLB bus, I need to provide two addresses:
> IP2IP_Addr which stores the source data and IP2Bus_Addr
> to which writes the data. Do I need to instantiate a BRAM in the FPGA
> to provide the source address?
> What I am not clear is whether the BRAM is compatible the IPIC logic.
> Or do I have to instantiate another PLB_Bram and then hook it up to the
> PLB? Are there any other simple method?
> Thank you for the help.
> Roger

From: agou on
Hi, Nju

Thank you for the reply. I don't know whether your code in last thread
derived from the user_logic.v generated by the Create and Import
Peripheral Wizard. And I am currently reading this code.

In this code, there is a port named IP2IP_Addr, and in your last
thread, you first connected with the IP2Bus_Addr and then you revised
it to your local target memory. What I am not clear is that how to
instantiate the "local target memory" which is compatible to the IPIF?
Should I instantiate a PLB_BRAM block?

Besides the above, in the user_logic.v, there is a 16 bytes flattened
registers(mst_reg(0:15) in the sample code) which are used for the
control from the software side. Meanwhile, in the sample code, each of
this address is assigned a specific address, e.g. IP2IP register is
located at C_BASEADDR+0x104. And I saw another reference design in
which software could read these register directly by the address. So I
just wonder whether I could allocate some other registers in my
hardware and specify the address myself. If it could be done, then for
writing, I could just store my data in these registers first and then
assign these registers' addresses to the IP2IP_Addr. But I don't find
anything on how to specify the registers' addresses in the sample code.

So now, could you tell me how did you do to use a "local target
memory"? And do you know whether the second method would work or not?

Thank you

Nju Njoroge wrote:
> Hello,
> Please refer to this thread:
> (Google "PLB Master" in Googe Groups and this will be your first hit).
> Properly using the IP2IP_Addr in the IPIF is what allowed my master to
> work properly.
> Good luck,
> NN
> agou wrote:
> > Hi, group
> >
> > I generated a IPIC interface by the Create and Import Peripheral Wizard
> >
> > to access PLB_DDR blockon the PLB bus.
> >
> > I chose the DMA, user logic Master Support mode. And then try to
> > develop my own logic based on the generated files. Here, I have one
> > problem:
> >
> > To write to an address on PLB bus, I need to provide two addresses:
> > IP2IP_Addr which stores the source data and IP2Bus_Addr
> > to which writes the data. Do I need to instantiate a BRAM in the FPGA
> > to provide the source address?
> >
> > What I am not clear is whether the BRAM is compatible the IPIC logic.
> > Or do I have to instantiate another PLB_Bram and then hook it up to the
> > PLB? Are there any other simple method?
> >
> > Thank you for the help.
> > Roger

From: Nju Njoroge on
Hi Roger,

The docs do not explain too well what they mean by "local target
memory". If you notice, the Master PLB IPIF comes with a slave
attachment. Thus, the master IPIF is not a pure master. Contrast this
with the PPC Master interfaces (Instr-PLB and Data-PLB) which are pure
masters. Because of the slave attachment, the master-slave IPIF has an
address range like any PLB slave: you set this address range in the MHS
file instantiation. The key insight (which the docs do not explain) is
that the IP2IPBus_Addr should always be set to some address within the
addressable range of the slave attachment. Thus, if your user_logic has
internal memory, the idea is that you use the IP2IPBus_Addr address
range for this "local target memory". If your master pcore does not
need to have any internal memory, you can hard code IP2IPBus_Addr to a
static address within the slave attachment address range. This was the
case for me (I was designing a PLB to PLB bridge, so my data came from
one side of the bridge and I pushed it out to the other side).

Another thing to note is that the slave attachment is also used for
master transactions.
Master Read: Issue read request, the read data returns through the
slave attachment, appearing like a write-request to your "local target
memory". (Imagine after you receive the return data, you have to write
it to your "local target memory").
Master Write: 1st read from "local target memory" using slave
attachment, then you can push the data on the IP2Bus data bus with the
external target address....
If found this scheme confusing, especially since not much documentation
real estate was dedicated to explaining it.

agou wrote:
> Hi, Nju
> Thank you for the reply. I don't know whether your code in last thread
> derived from the user_logic.v generated by the Create and Import
> Peripheral Wizard. And I am currently reading this code.
> In this code, there is a port named IP2IP_Addr, and in your last
> thread, you first connected with the IP2Bus_Addr and then you revised
> it to your local target memory. What I am not clear is that how to
> instantiate the "local target memory" which is compatible to the IPIF?
> Should I instantiate a PLB_BRAM block?
> Besides the above, in the user_logic.v, there is a 16 bytes flattened
> registers(mst_reg(0:15) in the sample code) which are used for the
> control from the software side. Meanwhile, in the sample code, each of
> this address is assigned a specific address, e.g. IP2IP register is
> located at C_BASEADDR+0x104. And I saw another reference design in
> which software could read these register directly by the address. So I
> just wonder whether I could allocate some other registers in my
> hardware and specify the address myself. If it could be done, then for
> writing, I could just store my data in these registers first and then
> assign these registers' addresses to the IP2IP_Addr. But I don't find
> anything on how to specify the registers' addresses in the sample code.
> So now, could you tell me how did you do to use a "local target
> memory"? And do you know whether the second method would work or not?
> Thank you
> Roger
> Nju Njoroge wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Please refer to this thread:
> >
> >
> > (Google "PLB Master" in Googe Groups and this will be your first hit).
> >
> > Properly using the IP2IP_Addr in the IPIF is what allowed my master to
> > work properly.
> >
> > Good luck,
> >
> > NN
> >
> >
> > agou wrote:
> > > Hi, group
> > >
> > > I generated a IPIC interface by the Create and Import Peripheral Wizard
> > >
> > > to access PLB_DDR blockon the PLB bus.
> > >
> > > I chose the DMA, user logic Master Support mode. And then try to
> > > develop my own logic based on the generated files. Here, I have one
> > > problem:
> > >
> > > To write to an address on PLB bus, I need to provide two addresses:
> > > IP2IP_Addr which stores the source data and IP2Bus_Addr
> > > to which writes the data. Do I need to instantiate a BRAM in the FPGA
> > > to provide the source address?
> > >
> > > What I am not clear is whether the BRAM is compatible the IPIC logic.
> > > Or do I have to instantiate another PLB_Bram and then hook it up to the
> > > PLB? Are there any other simple method?
> > >
> > > Thank you for the help.
> > > Roger

From: Mich on

I 'm also trying to use a master ip on the PLB bus and I also use the
IPIF interface from the "Create Peripheral" wizard in EDK's XPS.
Like you I have some troubels with writhing and reading (I want to
write and read to/from a BRAM on the PLB-Bus)
You say that the slave attachment is also used for the master
trasaction. When I look at the timing diagram on pg 116 of the
( it say
that when you read you will get a Bus2IP_WrReq is this correct, because
you want to read and not write. Is this correct?

I have made a small FSM to test a single read and write (at the bottom
of the message is my VHDL-code)

I have a state (PrepareWr_State and PrepareRd_State) to make sure all
the addresses are correct
I have a state (ReqWr_State and ReqRd_State) for the request =>
IP2Bus_MstWrReq and IP2Bus_MstRdReq
I have a state (AckWr_State and AckRd_State) for the ack that the IPIF
can read/write from/to my ip => IP2Bus_WrAck and IP2Bus_RdAck
I have a state (OkWr_State and OkRd_State) so I know everything went

But there must be something wrong because it doesn't work, when I want
to write something, my FSM stays in the ReqWr_State, and when I want to
read something it also doesn't do what it should do (or atleast what I
think it should do)

Can you help me please?



pushD, Bus2IP_MstLastAck, Bus2IP_WrReq, Bus2IP_RdReq)
variable counter_Rd : integer range 0 to 15;
variable counter_Wr : integer range 0 to 15;

when idle =>
if (pushR = '0') then -- pushR is active low
NEXT_STATE <= PrepareWr_State;
counter_Wr := 10;
elsif (pushL = '0') then -- pushL is actief laag
NEXT_STATE <= PrepareRd_State;
counter_Rd := 10;
NEXT_STATE <= idle;
end if;

when PrepareWr_State =>
if (counter_Wr = 0) then
NEXT_STATE <= ReqWr_State;
NEXT_STATE <= PrepareWr_State;
counter_Wr := counter_Wr - 1;
end if;

when ReqWr_State =>
if (Bus2IP_MstLastAck = '1') then
NEXT_STATE <= AckWr_State;
NEXT_STATE <= ReqWr_State;
end if;

when AckWr_State =>
if (Bus2IP_MstLastAck = '1') then
NEXT_STATE <= OkWr_State;
NEXT_STATE <= AckWr_State;
end if;

when OkWr_State => -- Writing is ok
if (pushU = '0') then -- PusU is active Low
NEXT_STATE <= idle;
NEXT_STATE <= OkWr_State;
end if;

when PrepareRd_State =>
if (counter_Rd = 0) then
NEXT_STATE <= ReqRd_State;
NEXT_STATE <= PrepareRd_State;
counter_Rd := counter_Rd - 1;
end if;

when ReqRd_State =>
if (Bus2IP_WrReq = '1') then
NEXT_STATE <= AckRd_State;
NEXT_STATE <= ReqRd_State;
end if;

when AckRd_State =>
if (Bus2IP_MstLastAck = '1') then
NEXT_STATE <= OkRd_State;
NEXT_STATE <= AckRd_State;
end if;

when OkRd_State => -- Reading is ok
if (pushD = '0') then -- pushD is actief laag
NEXT_STATE <= idle;
NEXT_STATE <= OkRd_State;
end if;

when others => NEXT_STATE <= idle;
end case;


when idle =>
led <= "1110";
IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= schakelaar;
IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';

when PrepareWr_State =>
led <= "0001";
IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= D_out;
IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';

when ReqWr_State =>
led <= "0010";
IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= D_out;
IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '1';

when AckWr_State =>
led <= "0011";
IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= D_out;
IP2Bus_RdAck <= '1';
IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '1';

when OkWr_State =>
led <= "0100";
IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= schakelaar;
IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';

when PrepareRd_State =>
led <= "1000";
IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= D_out;
IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';

when ReqRd_State =>
led <= "1001";
IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= D_out;
IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '1';
IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';

when AckRd_State =>
led <= "1010";
IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= D_out;
IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_WrAck <= '1';
IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '1';
IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';

when OkRd_State =>
if (D_out = Bus2IP_Data(0 to 3)) then
led <= "1011";
led <= "1100";
end if;
IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= schakelaar;
IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';

when others =>
led <= "1111";
IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= schakelaar;
IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
IP2Bus_MstBE <= "00000000";
IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';
end case;

end process OUTPUT_LOGIC;

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