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How to login to Twitter via Web (@twitter) website uses a login URI that is inaccessible; the user cannot log in using the form UI. Attempting to log in to in Firefox, for example, the browser displays the error to the user | Server not found | Firefox can't find the server at | * Check the address ... 13 Jul 2010 02:11
Which roulette strategy can win at online roulette or prove that Albert Einstein was wrong
I found a good place where online roulette players not only discuss about the best roulette strategies but even have a special software provider for their investigations. I mean they come with ideas and special team develop exactly what they want so all they do is that they use the most advanced worldwide roulette ... 12 Jul 2010 11:48
Serial Port and Javascript
Greetings. I need put data string in the serial port. Exist some way for do it from JavaScript, and Firefox?. Ubuntu Linux, firefox 3.6. Not internet explorer, not activeX. Thanks. ... 14 Jul 2010 18:43
Function.prototype broken in IE9pr3
Function.prototype, as defined by ECMA-262r3, | The Function prototype object is itself a Function object (its | [[Class]] is "Function") that, when invoked, accepts any arguments | and returns undefined. This function is useful as a reusable noop method, however it's broken in JScript in IE9pr3. In IE9 p... 12 Jul 2010 03:04
Catch Block Scope, Broken Different in IE9pr3
In ECMAScript, a catch block augments the current scope chain by pushing a new Object to the front of the scope chain. However, official versions of JScript up to and including JScript 5.8 don't do that. Instead, when entering a catch block, these versions of JScript add the catch block's parameter to the cont... 12 Jul 2010 14:02
FAQ Topic - I have <a href="javascript:somefunction()"> what ... ? (2010-07-12)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Topic - I have <a href="javascript:somefunction()"> what .... ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Whatever the rest of your question, this is generally a very bad idea. The ` javascript: ` pseudo pro... 11 Jul 2010 19:18
instructor solution manual for Chemical Engineering Design (Coulson & Richardson's Chemical Engineering - Volume 6) - (4th Ed., Sinnott)
I have solutions manuals to all problems and exercises in these textbooks. To get one in an electronic format contact me at: kalvinmanual(at)gmail(dot)com and let me know its title, author and edition. Please this service is NOT free. solutions manual to A Course in Game Theory by Osborne, Rubinstein solutions... 10 Jul 2010 21:30
add memo feild.
i'm revising my *.mdb file so that each record will hold a memo feild. At presernt I can't even get my program to work with memo. Searching web for help doesn't work. Under ADO data types i found "adLongVarWChar" which appears promising, but they don't give any more help! They list 3 catagories - Access, SQLServe... 11 Jul 2010 05:03
FAQ Topic - How can I access the client-side filesystem? (2010-07-11)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Topic - How can I access the client-side filesystem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Security means that by default you can't. In a more restricted environment, there are options. For example, using... 10 Jul 2010 19:18
FAQ Topic - How can I prevent access to a web page by using javascript? (2010-07-09)
In comp.lang.javascript message <570cf360-c8c1-4c0d-b3e2-024a33825ae6(a)j4>, Fri, 9 Jul 2010 06:20:14, Scott Sauyet <scott.sauyet(a)> posted: This should be phrased more artfully, perhaps, but the basic idea is correct: this can be done client-side, but it's much more difficult ... 10 Jul 2010 19:18
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