From: Arnaud Debaene on
lugeon wrote:
> "adebaene(a)" a ?crit :
> >> lugeon wrote:
>>> I get a 388bytes memory leak each time I call the CreateProcess()
>>> function. Here is my following code:
>> <snip>
>> The code looks just fine. How do you measure those 388 bytes?
> With Purify

What does is says exactly? Where does it locate the leak?

PS : Please don't top-post


From: Norman Diamond on
"qfel" <q_tmp(a)> wrote in message
[Alexander Grigoriev:]

>> By the way, you're NOT supposed to pass a constant string to
>> CreateProcess.
> Applies only to Unicode version.

Applies only to SOME Unicode versions.
<< BOOL CreateProcess(
<< LPCWSTR pszImageName,
<< LPCWSTR pszCmdLine,
<< [...]
<< pszCmdLine
<< [in, out] Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the
<< command line to execute.

I have a vague recollection of some other place too where the API requires a
pointer to constant so that the API can modify the user's constant.

From: anton on
Hi guys

Judging from what you are saying here, it looks like you just have
discovered one more bug in Windows. Apparently, if
COM library is initialized, execution takes a bit different path, so that
memory leak does not occur. This seems to be the only logical explanation


Anton Bassov
From: David J. Craig on
No. Please don't bottom post.

"Arnaud Debaene" <adebaene(a)> wrote in message
> lugeon wrote:
>> "adebaene(a)" a ?crit :
>> >> lugeon wrote:
>>>> I get a 388bytes memory leak each time I call the CreateProcess()
>>>> function. Here is my following code:
>>> <snip>
>>> The code looks just fine. How do you measure those 388 bytes?
>> With Purify
> What does is says exactly? Where does it locate the leak?
> PS : Please don't top-post
> Arnaud
> MVP - VC

From: lugeon on
No more memory leak.

Thank you very much for your help! I couldn't have found by myself....

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