From: Adam Winter on
I have two installations of Windows 2008 R2 Web Edition in two different
domains. Neither one has any Performance Counters available to choose to
monitor. The list is completely empty. Why would these be missing in both
installations? Is there a feature or Role service that I'm missing in my
From: "WenJun Zhang[msft]" on
Hi Adam,

Generally performing a repair installation of IIS7 should fix the
performance counters. Or you can try manually repair them by running lodctr

unlodctr w3svc
unlodctr msftpsvc
unlodctr asp
unlodctr inetinfo
lodctr w3ctrs.ini
lodctr ftpctrs.ini
lodctr axperf.ini
lodctr infoctrs.ini

Please refer to:

How to manually rebuild Performance Counter Library values

I hope the info helps.


WenJun Zhang

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