From: Jorge on
On 19 abr, 19:09, TW <TYRON...(a)LIVE.COM> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem in using MySQL in bBrowse 1.4 (Limited) with VO2.7B
> (Build 2740). I use ODBC driver 3.51.
> The browser takes a long time to load and also cannot focus in the
> browser to move up and down by pressing the up down arrow keys in the
> keyboard.
> The coding is as follows :
> oConn := SQLConnection{"MySQL-Server","root","1234"}
> oSelect := SQLSelect{ "SELECT * FROM SQL_TABLE", oConn }
> SELF:oDCbBrowser:Use( oSelect, , { } )
> oColumn := bDataColumn{SELF:oDCbBrowser, SELF:oDCbBrowser:Server, ;
>         {|oServer| oServer:Field1 }, #Expression, SELF}
> oColumn:Caption := "FIELD-1"
> oColumn:Width := 165
> SELF:oDCbBrowser:AddColumn(oColumn)
> SELF:oDCbBrowser:OpenColumn(oColumn,1)
> ---
> Recently, I move my VO from the old machine with Windows 2000 to a new
> machine with Windows XP Pro. When I run an application with bBrowser
> under VO in the new machine with Windows XP Pro, I get an error
> message "The ordinal 125 could not be located in the dynamic link
> library VO27OLE.DLL". In the old machine with Windows 2000 or if I
> compiled and link it, I do not have such problem.
> Does anyone know what's wrong ?
> Thanks.
> TW


I recommend buying bBrowser 3.0
The difference is too large
Jorge Accinelli