From: Sergey Kishchenko on
Hello again.

I need to intercept all outgoing SMS, process it, and then block.(WM

I used MAPI. I created class dervied from IMAPIAdviseSink, and implemented
OnNotify method etc. When I catch fnevObjectCreated, I check message
PARENT_ENTRYID property, and in case, when it is not Inbox, I process message
and than delete it from Outbox.

I have some problems with that:
1. Is there any guarantee, that I can always delete message before
sending?(SMS subsystem doesn`t wait, while I am processing notification). Is
there any other way to block outgoing SMS?
2. Sometimes, when I click on "Send" button, Message Creating Form doesn`t
close. I see in log, that there was attempt to send SMS(which was blocked),
but I can`t get recipients list. To normally "send" message, user should to
re-create message. What is the matter?