From: Fam001 on
I am trying to print a budget report, for some reason it continues to sort by
ID even though I have specified to sort by wbs, the wbs column is not even
showing up. How do I get rid of the ID column in the report print preview and
sort the tasks by wbs?
From: Andrew Lavinsky on
Not sure how you're asking it to sort, but here's what works for me:

1) Select the report, then Edit. Go to the sort tab, then choose WBS in the
Sort By options. If that doesn't work for you, let me know.

2) You'll note in the Definition Tab of the Report that it is being pulled
from the Cost table. Simple add the WBS Code to the Cost table - or
preferably create a new table based off of Cost, and point the report to that.

"Fam001" wrote:

> I am trying to print a budget report, for some reason it continues to sort by
> ID even though I have specified to sort by wbs, the wbs column is not even
> showing up. How do I get rid of the ID column in the report print preview and
> sort the tasks by wbs?