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I've written an app using the wck library (widget construction kit, see, in addition to the wckGraph module. What I'd like to do, is take the output of one of my windows (happens to be a graph), and save it as a *.png or *.gif. I was planning on using the PIL for this. I'd like to use the cod... 7 Feb 2010 14:14
Mouse wheel events?
Craig Berry wrote: Is there any way to get mouse wheel events from glut in PyOpenGL? Use Linux. (On Linux, Glut returns mouse wheel events as buttons 4 and 5), or use FreeGlut. On both Windows and Linux freeglut returns mouse wheel events as buttons 4 and 5. Gary Herron ... 10 Feb 2010 14:31
can pydoc display doc for local funcs? or other doc tools for owncode
Hi, often I start "pydoc -g" in a projects working directory in order to view the docstrings of my own project and in order to get a quick overview of the code structure In some cases I would like to see also to see private methods (especially when trying to understand the internals of a collegues code or e... 5 Feb 2010 19:33
Calendar GUI
On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 9:08 PM, William Gaggioli <wgaggioli(a)> wrote: Hello Everyone, I'm working on setting up some software for a Peruvian non-profit to help them organize their incoming volunteers. One of the features I'd like to add is a calendar-like view of the different volunteers arrival ... 12 Feb 2010 21:19
how to make a SimpleXMLRPCServer abort at CTRL-C under windows
Hi, I'm using an XMLRPC server under Windows. What I wonder is how I could create a server, that can be killed with CTRL-C The server aborts easily with CTRL-BREAK but not with CTRL-C (under Windows) If I press CTRL-C it will only abort when the next RPC call occurs. It seems it is blocking in the sele... 13 Feb 2010 16:02
reconstruct the source of a lambda from its func_code,func_name, etc
On Fri, 05 Feb 2010 14:19:36 -0800, Phlip wrote: Thy Pon: Has anyone figured out how to reflect a passed function, such as a lambda, all the way back to its source? Use the dis module to disassemble the byte code to human readable form, then write some sort of decompiler to translate it back to Pyth... 5 Feb 2010 18:25
execute sqlite3 dot commands in python
Does anybody know if it possible to execute sqlite3 dot commands in python? dovanotas:/pages/links# python Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jan 4 2009, 17:40:26) [GCC 4.3.2] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. import sqlite3 sqlite3 .help Traceback (most recent c... 12 Feb 2010 01:08
reconstruct the source of a lambda from its func_code, func_name, etc
Thy Pon: Has anyone figured out how to reflect a passed function, such as a lambda, all the way back to its source? I am aware than func_code knows the file name and line number; I would rather not use them to read the file because the lambda might not start in the first column. I will go with this option unti... 5 Feb 2010 18:24
SQLite3: preventing new file creation
Every time I say something like: connection=sqlite3.connect(file) sqlite creates a new database file. Can this behavior be suppressed through SQLite? Or am I forced to check for the file existing first? -- Gnarlie ... 8 Feb 2010 03:26
timer for a function
I have the following situation: 1. self.conobj = paramiko.SSHClient() self.conobj.connect(self.ip, username=self.username, key_filename=self.sshprivkey, port=self.port, timeout=opts.timeout) 2. very slow SSH host that is hanging for 30+ seconds on key exchange. The timeout in the options regards only a... 11 Feb 2010 21:51
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