From: deva narsimha on
Hi All,
I want to get the result with group of date fields
with descending sort order. When i ran the below code,
it is sorting as descending, but when i print the
report through proc report procedure,sort variables
are not displaying as descending in the report.

Please have a look into the below code and give me the
right solution. I need to do group by with date fields
only with descending order.

data temp;
format date1 date2 date3 mmddyy10.;
input @1 date1 mmddyy10.
@12 date2 mmddyy10.
@24 date3 mmddyy10.
@34 no 2.
@37 no1 2.
@40 CUSTNO ;
09/05/2006 01/23/2006 03/15/2001 23 33 25429928
09/05/2006 01/23/2006 04/21/2003 23 33 25429928
09/05/2007 01/23/2006 01/01/2002 23 33 25429928
09/04/2007 01/23/2006 01/01/2002 23 33 25429928
11/21/2006 12/02/2006 01/02/2000 24 90 25429929
11/21/2006 12/02/2006 01/02/2001 24 90 25429929
11/21/2006 12/02/2006 01/02/1999 24 90 25429929
proc sort data=temp out=temp1;
by custno descending date1 no descending date2 no1
descending date3;
proc report data=temp1 nowd;
column CUSTNO date1 no date2 no1 date3 ;
define date1 / group descending format= date9.;
define date2 / group descending format= date9.;
define date3 / group descending format= date9.;


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