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HTTPClient can't login to Google Voice
I'm trying to login to Google Voice using the following code: require 'httpclient' Google_Login = 'googlename' Google_Password = 'password' PRE_LOGIN_URL = "" LOGIN_URL = "" VOICE_HOME_URL = "https://ww... 5 Aug 2010 01:35
Different between 2 code
Hi Why 2 different sort in below code return different result ? ( I dont understand different between "v1 <=> v2" and "v2 <=> v1" ). ------------------------------------------ array = [3,1,5,2,4] # => [3, 1, 5, 2, 4] array.sort {|v1,v2| v1 <=> v2 } # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] array.sort {|v1,v2| v2 <=> v1 } # =>... 4 Aug 2010 04:55
String encoding issues
I found several issues in string encoding. Here is the problem: [root(a)mars mysql]# irb -E ascii # I start irb with default external encoding ascii irb(main):014:0> => #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT> irb(main):015:0> "".encoding => #<Encoding:US-ASCII> # I get different encodings when I initialize ... 3 Aug 2010 12:32
Easy and fast job (SCRIPT) , 50 €
Hello, I need a script to automate some http POST requests to a server and i need the requests routed through a privoxy setup. 50€ with paypal or other. Contact me: axel.tougeron(a) -- Posted via ... 3 Aug 2010 11:25
Complex associations
I am working on a project that has some complex table associations, and I am having a hard time declaring this association in a Model, and fear it can't be done. Here is an example of my issue... class StoreType < ActiveRecord::Base; end class Store < ActiveRecord::Base; end class Department < ActiveRecord::B... 3 Aug 2010 10:19
Can't install Mongrel and My SQL gem on Windows XP 64 bit
On Aug 3, 5:31 am, Serguei Cambour <s.camb...(a)> wrote: I have no access to the Internet to be able to install all needed gems, so I downloaded them one by one and put to a local folder: - cgi_multipart_eof_fix-2.5.0.gem, - fastthread-1.0.7.gem, - gem_plugin-0.2.3.gem - json-1.1.9.gem - ... 4 Aug 2010 04:55
Nokogiri installation problem on Mac 10.6.0
Hi, I getting problem when install Nokogiri on mac snow leopard. I get following errors : ERROR: Error installing nokogiri: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby extconf.rb mkmf.rb can't find header files for ru... 3 Aug 2010 09:13
[ANN] Rainbows! 0.96.0 - range support
Rainbows! is an HTTP server for sleepy Rack applications. It is based on Unicorn, but designed to handle applications that expect long request/response times and/or slow clients. * * rainbows-talk(a) * git:// Changes: For concurrency m... 3 Aug 2010 05:58
Can't install Mongrel and My SQL gem on Windows XP 64 bit
I have no access to the Internet to be able to install all needed gems, so I downloaded them one by one and put to a local folder: - cgi_multipart_eof_fix-2.5.0.gem, - fastthread-1.0.7.gem, - gem_plugin-0.2.3.gem - json-1.1.9.gem - json_pure-1.1.9.gem - mongrel-1.1.5.gem - needle-1.3.0.gem - 3 Aug 2010 04:53
Block variable & Local variable
Hi What does happen for "num" variable in this code : array = [1,2,3,4,5] x = 1 num = 1 array.each { |num| puts num*20 + x } ( after this code when I type "puts num , ruby return 5 ! why? ) -- Posted via ... 9 Aug 2010 21:13
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