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Regarding win 32 screenshot
Me using the latest version of gem win32screen shot.. But while taking desktop screenshot i get undefined method `call for nil:NilClass for capture_area in bitmap maker.rb line 159 bitmap maker.rb line 127 and screenshot.rb line 29 Plz help ... 8 Aug 2010 17:49
Method with array PROBLEM
Hi, I have a problem, I have to write a method using an array but I'm not able to combine the two things. I have a txt file which contains words and puntuaction symbols separated whit spaces. I have to write a method which receives the txt file as a first entry argument and returns an array of tokens. I have to ca... 4 Aug 2010 05:59
Monkey Patching, passing in extra data, FXRuby bug
[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.] Because of an apparent bug in FXRuby/Fox/Something that causes a segmentation fault ... I am looking for a workaround to a problem. FXRuby defines a class FXTreeItem. That class has an instance method for the spaceship operator .... <=> ... 4 Aug 2010 01:42
Get rid of extra, blank lines via html parsing?
So I am trying to get some information from a snippet of html (, and im using doc.inner_text to get the important parts, but when I do so I get an odd amount of spacing ( is there a way where I can get rid of all that extra spacing so I can just print the ... 4 Aug 2010 15:47
ENV" is nil when the code is run with "sudo"
Ryan Davis wrote: Why does your gem install require environment variables? I have to find the location where the CUBRID Database Server (or any other software) has been installed to located the libraries required to compile the gem. This is something most gems need to know, so does mine. -- Posted via http... 4 Aug 2010 00:36
undefined method `debug' for nil:NilClass(NoMethodError
I created very simple AR code to add new record to MySQL table. But I get " undefined method `debug' for nil:NilClass(NoMethodError)". Here is the code: ====================================== require 'rubygems' require 'active_record' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => "mysql", :host => "l... 4 Aug 2010 04:55
YARD documentation for splat (lists) as parameters
[I am using YARD to document my code. I'm new to YARD, but I've read through the documentation and didn't see this: ] How do I properly document splat lists? The method I'm thinking about takes an arbitrary list of ruby Objects. Here is what I'm thinking: # @param [*Array] objects A list of objects # @par... 3 Aug 2010 15:50
documenting string
Hi everyone, Below is a short and functioning program: #!/usr/bin/ruby def call_me e = <<SOME # # this is a nice string! # SOME e end puts call_me It runs and displays string between SOME delimiters. My question is why, if I add to first # (between SOME delim), like this #!/usr/bin/ruby def ... 4 Aug 2010 04:55
Remove the error
Hi Why these codes result error ? 1- array = [*1..10] sum = array.inject { |memo,item| memo+item if item !=3 } 2- array = [*1..10] sum = array.inject { |memo,item| puts memo+item } -- Posted via ... 4 Aug 2010 07:03
Inject problem
Hi In inject method , everytime that inject called what is returned ? for example in this code everytime what is returned ? array = [*1..10] array.inject(0) { | memo , item | memo + item } -- Posted via ... 3 Aug 2010 14:44
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