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[ANN] Red Dirt Registration Ending
Rubyists: Friday is the last day for normal registration to the Red Dirt RubyConf. We have everything locked-in and it's going to be an awesome event. Here are just a handful of the planned highlights: * Keynote speeches from Jim Weirich and Dave Thomas * Our themed program including Rails 3, NoSQL, and more... 20 Apr 2010 21:53
[ANN] server move
I'm relocating It's mainly a matter of copying files from one machine to another, which is done. But I've updated the DNS record. If you have trouble connecting to the site please check that you've cleared the dns record from any cache you may have. I've lowered the TTL on the ... 20 Apr 2010 21:53
Help with HTTP Intercepting Proxy in Ruby?
I have the beginnings of an HTTP Intercepting Proxy written in Ruby (see attachment). This simple proxy that I made parses the destination out of the HTTP request, then reads the HTTP response and performs logic based on special HTML tags. The proxy works for the most part, but seems to have trouble dealing with... 20 Apr 2010 19:40
Proxying method calls
How do I safely proxy method calls from one class to another, as a fallback for when the main class doesn't respond to the call in question? Is my implementation of respond_to? and method_missing below correct (passing tests at bottom)? class A def initialize @b = end def respond_t... 23 Apr 2010 20:50
Hi I wanted to understand how I can get the error of GetoptLong::Ambigous option. Actually I am having that error but I do not understand why? I do: require 'getoptlong' optconfig = [ [ '--help', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--usage', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], ... 20 Apr 2010 18:28
Windows 7 - 64-bit and MySql - what are my options?
I upgraded from 32-bit to Windows 7 64-bit. Here is my environment: Windows 7 - 64-bit ruby 1.9.1p243 (i386-mingw32) .. which was probably built on 32 bit. I'm using the 64-bit version of mysql. What do I need to do to get this running? Before I get inundated with too much information, select the follow... 20 Apr 2010 15:50
AES decrypt without PKCS padding?
Hi, I need to do some decryption of data encrypted with Rijndael (AES) but that is NOT PKCS padded. I can't use openssl, as it chokes on data that isn't padded PKCS-style. And I tried the all-Ruby crypt gem and it seems to have issues on my system running 1.9.1 (I haven't analyzed what the deal is yet so I can'... 20 Apr 2010 19:40
[ANN] Zbatery v0.2.1 - use a less-broken parser from Unicorn
Zbatery is an HTTP server for Rack applications on systems that either do not support fork(), or have no memory (nor need) to run the master/worker model. It is based on Rainbows! (which is based on Unicorn (which is based on Mongrel)) and inherits parts of each. Zbatery supports your choice of all the thread/fibe... 20 Apr 2010 15:50
unicorn 0.97.0 - fix HTTP parser for Rainbows!/Zbatery
Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on low-latency, high-bandwidth connections and take advantage of features in Unix/Unix-like kernels. Slow clients should only be served by placing a reverse proxy capable of fully buffering both the the request and response in betw... 20 Apr 2010 15:50
[ANN] Rainbows! 0.91.1 - use a less-broken parser from Unicorn
Rainbows! is an HTTP server for sleepy Rack applications. It is based on Unicorn, but designed to handle applications that expect long request/response times and/or slow clients. For Rack applications not heavily bound by slow external network dependencies, consider Unicorn instead as it simpler and easier to deb... 20 Apr 2010 15:50
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