From: Eric on
How do I resize my window as the SIP is brought up and down? SipGetInfo
tells me the current state (up or down), but how can I get notified of

SipRegisterNotification at first seemed like the answer, but the docs say

Only one application can register a window to receive software-based input
panel notifications. This registration remains in effect until the device is
either cold or warm booted.

From: Scott Seligman on
=?Utf-8?B?RXJpYw==?= <Eric(a)> wrote:
>How do I resize my window as the SIP is brought up and down? SipGetInfo
>tells me the current state (up or down), but how can I get notified of

Look for WM_SETTINGCHANGE messages.

--------- Scott Seligman <scott at <firstname> and michelle dot net> ---------
They are alone. They are a dying people. We should let them pass.
-- Ambassador Kosh Naranek in Babylon 5:"Midnight on the Firing Line"