From: Steve Klabnik on
[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

You are correct. Shoooes is entirely self-contained. Installing it via gems
doesn't make sense.

From: Steve Klabnik on
[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

Kurtis, if you happen to run into wrench again, know that shoooes is
entirely the gems installed with your system ruby will
not work.

see here for more:

From: Kurtis Rainbolt-greene on
The Shoes/SQL IRC log was someone else, not me (I'm krainboltgreene).

I think what I'll take from this thread is that if I want to use Shoes
for GUI development (And I do) I'm going to need to talk to the
developers directly and help where I can.

I appreciate the responses.
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