From: Herbert Kleebauer on
Terence wrote:
> My point was to emulate how a human solves SUDOKU puzzles with using
> exhaustive searches.
> May Herbert's isn't that kind.

I think it's the same way a human would do it. I have two 16 bit
variables (put into the lower and upper word of a 32 bit variable)
for each position. If the number for a position is given or already
found, then in the lower word the appropriate bit (1-9) is set. If
the number is still not found for this position, then the upper word
has a 1 bit in all positions (1-9) which could be the correct value
(this means, each position which is not specified in the original
puzzle is initializes with 0x03fe in the upper word and 0x0000 in
the lower word).

Then for each row, column and 3x3 square the "add" and "or" of
the nine 32 bit variables is calculated. For the low word the
"add" and the "or" must be the same or the same number occurs
twice. If the "add" result of the lower word is "ored" to
the "or" result of the upper word, then the result must be
0x03fe or the puzzle is not solvable. This is repeated until no
more numbers can be excluded. If after this the puzzle is not
solved, then a guess for a single position is made and then
the above is repeated. I didn't find a puzzle till now, which
couldn't be saved this way so never implemented recursive
code which guesses 2,3 or more values.
From: Herbert Kleebauer on
Terence wrote:

> Then I tried dis-assembly of the created program: this can't be
> correct surely?
> .
> code SEGMENT
> ASSUME CS:code, DS:code
> ORG 100h
> start: INC DX
> PUSH 40h
> PUSH 7Ah
> PUSH 3060h
> SUB AX,2F60h
> SUB [SI+45h],AL
> SUB [SI+4Dh],AL
> SUB [SI+4Fh],AL
> SUB [SI+68h],AL
> SUB [SI+73h],CL
> SUB [SI+75h],CL

The is the decoder routine (the first two lines of the text) written with x86 instructions in
the ascii range only. The ascii encoded program starts in line 3 of the text and is decoded
by the decoder routine in the first two lines before it is executed.

inc.w r1 ; Fuellbyte
moveq.w #$40,-(sp)
moveq.w #$7a,-(sp)
move.w #$3060,-(sp)
move.w (sp)+,r0
sub.w #$3060-$100,r0 ; r0=$100
move.w r0,-(sp)
move.w r0,-(sp)
move.w r0,-(sp)
move.w r0,-(sp)
move.w r0,-(sp)
move.w r0,-(sp)
movem.w (sp)+,r0-r7 ; r0=$40, r2=$7a, r1=r3=r4=r5=r6=$100

sub.b r0,_b1+1-$100.b(r5.w)
sub.b r0,_b2+1-$100.b(r5.w)
sub.b r0,_b3+1-$100.b(r5.w)
sub.b r0,_d1+3-$100.b(r5.w)
sub.b r2,_c1+1-$100.b(r5.w)
sub.b r2,_c2+1-$100.b(r5.w)
sub.b r2,_c3+1-$100.b(r5.w)
sub.b r2,_d1 -$100.b(r5.w)

move.w (sp)+,r1
move.w r1,-(sp) ; r1=0

move.w r1,-(sp)
move.w (sp)+,r4
inc.w r4
inc.w r4
inc.w r4 ; r4=3

_20: move.w r4,-(sp)
move.w (sp)+,r2 ; r2=3

_30: move.w r1,-(sp)
move.w (sp)+,r0
eor.b buf-$100.b(r5.w),r0 ; r0 = nextch
cmp.w #$0a0d,r0 ; crlf
eor.b r0,buf-$100.b(r5.w) ; clear buf
inc.w r5
move.w r0,-(sp)
sub.b #'0',r0 ; < '0'
move.w (sp)+,r0
_b1: bmi.b _30+$40 ; ja, dann ignorieren
beq.b buf ; =, dann fertig
move.w r0,-(sp)
sub.b #'=',r0 ; < '='
move.w (sp)+,r0
_b2: beq.b _10+$40 ; =, dann nicht veraendern
_b3: bcc.b _11+$40 ; > '=', dann um 1 erhoehen
eor.b #'o',r0 ; 1 wird zu ^
_11: inc.w r0 ; um 1 erhoehen
and.b #$3f,r0 ; nur 6 Bit
_10: move.w r0,-(sp) ; auf stack ablegen
dec.w r2 ; schon 4 mal durchlaufen
_c3: bpl.b _30+$7a ; nein, dann zurueck

; and.w r1,tmp-$100.b(r3.w) ; 20.5.02 ersetzt, da !
and.b r1,tmp+1-$100.b(r3.w)
move.w (sp)+,r0
eor.b r0,tmp+1-$100.b(r3.w)
move.w r4,-(sp)
move.w (sp)+,r2

_50: and.b r1,tmp-$100.b(r3.w)
_d1: dc.b $c1+$7a-$100,$6f,tmp-$100,$02+$40 ; lsr.w #2,tmp-$100.b(r3.w)
move.w (sp)+,r0
eor.b tmp-$100.b(r3.w),r0
eor.b r0,buf-$100.b(r6.w)
inc.w r6
dec.w r2
_c1: bne.b _50+$7a
_c2: beq.b _20+$7a

tmp: dc.b 13,10
From: Herbert Kleebauer on
Rosario wrote:

> but how to play in that game? what are the rules?

...7 ... 8..
..5. .2. .9.
9.3 ... 7.1

.... 4.8 ...
..3. ... .6.
.... 7.5 ...

4.9 ... 3..
..2. .8. .7.
...1 ... 4..

Replace each . with a digit (1-9) so that in each row and column
and each of the 9 3x3 squares any digit from 1 to 9 occurs.
For the above the solution is:

267 941 853
158 327 694
943 856 721

715 468 239
834 219 567
692 735 148

489 572 316
326 184 975
571 693 482
From: Spam Killer on
On Sun, 02 Dec 2007 04:35:48 +0100, Herbert Kleebauer wrote:
>... I'm still looking for an
>example which can't be solved with a very simple algorithm
>with only 1 level of indirection.

This gives:


not solveable with one recursion

The solution would be:


but there is an additional requirement for solving it. The colors do
matter. The numbers 1-9 must appear in every color only once, and
this variation seems to be relatively new. I've only seen this one so
From: Herbert Kleebauer on
Spam Killer wrote:
> On Sun, 02 Dec 2007 04:35:48 +0100, Herbert Kleebauer wrote:
> >... I'm still looking for an
> >example which can't be solved with a very simple algorithm
> >with only 1 level of indirection.
> >...

That's not a valid sudoku puzzle, there are at least two more

...8...4.. 528613497 528637491 528673491
3.......2 341975682 346915782 341985762
..7.2...5. 679284351 179284356 679214358
......1... 962741835 863791245 962741835
4..8.6..9 457836219 457826139 457836219
....5..... 813592746 912543867 813592647
.. 286359174 281359674 286359174
79..6...3 794168523 794168523 794168523
...5...9.. 135427968 635472918 135427986

> but there is an additional requirement for solving it. The colors do
> matter. The numbers 1-9 must appear in every color only once, and
> this variation seems to be relatively new. I've only seen this one so
> far.

Which colors?