From: Lesh on
I am experiencing the exact same issue on a batch script utilizing the
following net use DOS command structure:

FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=," %%G IN (web_server_list.txt) DO (
NET USE * /d /yes
NET USE M: "\\%%G\%web_drv_shr_nm%" %passwd% /USER:%usrnm%@%web_domain_nm%

During the iteration through the servers listed in the web_server_list.txt,
I receive the 'System error 1311 has occurred' error for the first attempted
server in the listing, but have no issues AFTER the 1st attempt.

Can someone at Microsoft explain why this occurs and how this is consistent
with any RFC that speaks to authentication to mapped drives using domain
servers. It appears that during the 1st attempt by Microsoft code underlying
NET USE they are "assuming" cached credentials to a domain that is "primary"
to a laptop or PC is a faulty assumption and would not necessarily be
recommended in any RFC on this subject.

If I plan to use a second domain server to service the NET USE request, why
doesn't the NET USE sequence of supporting methods that Microsoft has
programmed into their OS directly follow the instructions to authenticate
with the provided (secondary) domain and not assume I'm requesting to utilize
local cached credentials to the primary server I first logged in with?