From: Jo-Anne on
"VanguardLH" <V(a)nguard.LH> wrote in message
> Jo-Anne wrote:
>> How do determine who or what your NSP is? Is this a question for my ISP?
> NSP = Newsgroups Service Provider
> Microsoft operates their free NNTP server which you are already using
> with Outlook Express. So find another NNTP server to which you can
> connect Outlook Express (unless you also decide to use a better
> newsreader). There are lots of NSPs (paid and free), like Giganews,
> Albasani, Eternal-September, and more. Go ask the folks in the
> group. Alas, the Microsoft NNTP server to which
> you connect to submit your post here only carries the microsoft.*
> newsgroups. You'll have to use a different NNTP server to get at the
> non-microsoft newsgroups. Microsoft's server has always had a very
> limited number of newsgroups (i.e., just their own).
> To get started with a free NSP, go visit or
> to signup for a free posting account.
> Instructions on how to configure your newsreader regarding settings for
> their server are on their web site.

Thank you, Vanguard! I must have signed up at some point with another NSP
because I also have a couple Corel newsgroups for WordPerfect. Maybe I
signed up with Corel directly?


From: VanguardLH on
Jo-Anne wrote:

> Thank you, Vanguard! I must have signed up at some point with another NSP
> because I also have a couple Corel newsgroups for WordPerfect. Maybe I
> signed up with Corel directly?

There are lots of "private" NSPs; i.e., they carry only their own
newsgroups and do not peer to anyone one. GRC (Steve Gibson of Spinrite
fame), Microsoft, and the mozilla.* newsgroups
(many NSPs do not peer the Mozilla groups so you connect to Mozilla's
NNTP server to get at them) are examples of private newsgroups. There
is no mandate that forces anyone operating an NNTP server to peer it to
anyone else's NNTP server. In fact, many companies use their own
internal-use only NNTP server for communications amongst their
From: Jo-Anne on
"VanguardLH" <V(a)nguard.LH> wrote in message
> Jo-Anne wrote:
>> Thank you, Vanguard! I must have signed up at some point with another NSP
>> because I also have a couple Corel newsgroups for WordPerfect. Maybe I
>> signed up with Corel directly?
> There are lots of "private" NSPs; i.e., they carry only their own
> newsgroups and do not peer to anyone one. GRC (Steve Gibson of Spinrite
> fame), Microsoft, and the mozilla.* newsgroups
> (many NSPs do not peer the Mozilla groups so you connect to Mozilla's
> NNTP server to get at them) are examples of private newsgroups. There
> is no mandate that forces anyone operating an NNTP server to peer it to
> anyone else's NNTP server. In fact, many companies use their own
> internal-use only NNTP server for communications amongst their
> employees.

Thank you again, Vanguard! I wish all the forums I belong to were available
as newsgroups instead. I'd follow them more seriously and learn more.
