From: gs on
Walt wrote:
> Kay Kanekowski wrote:
>> On 12 Jul., 22:00, Walt <walt_ask...(a)> wrote:
>>> You could have gotten this result earlier using the OCTOPUS module (new
>>> in version 11)
>>> SELECT OCTOPUS.get_winner('FIFA', 'FINAL', '2010') as CHAMP from dual;
>>> --------
>>> Spain
>> Hi Walt,
>> sorry, but i havn't a version 11. So what is the result of
>> SELECT OCTOPUS.get_winner('FIFA', 'FINAL', '2014') as CHAMP from
>> dual;
> In order for this to return a result you'd need to increase the size of
> the Flash Prognostication Area by specifying values for the following
> initialization parameter:
> Unfortunately, in Version 11 you are limited to approximately 7 days of
> flash-forward. Perhaps V 12 will allow this level of flash forward, but
> I'm not sure. I am certain that the query will return valid results by
> the time v13 is out.
> //Walt

Rumor has it that Larry is thinking about branding the next release as
12O - which boasts the new 8 process analytical engine..