From: Nix on
On 22 Jun 2010, Dave W. said:
> I logged in as user ddw and tried "sudo passwd root" as suggested.
> However I got the message "ddw is not in the sudoers file. This
> incident has been reported". (Now I'm shaking in trepidation waiting
> for Security to kick down my door! Ubuntu is certainly unfriendly as
> others have said.)

This message is a sudo upstream message, unchanged by Ubuntu. (They
probably simply didn't think of changing it.)
From: Nix on
On 21 Jun 2010, f8boe(a) verbalised:
> If you need to login as root under Unix,
> - you cannot use your distro's configuration tool
> - your distro have no configuration tool
> - you have chosen the wrong distro
> - you are better using winboobs

Ah, yes, that's how to get people comfortable using Linux: insult them.

Now I know what I've been doing wrong all these years!
From: Ian on
On 21 June, 15:20, Dave W <davew...(a)> wrote:

> I have created a user account as well as the root (but used the same
> password for both - I hope this is not the problem). When I log on as
> user and go to install something via the desktop, I'm told I don't
> have the authority, and that sudo is not allowed.
> When I installed from the CD, there was an option to ignore UUID bits
> on the partition. I do not understand this so did not tick this
> option. Is this User ID? If I re-installed with this option might this
> help?

Is your user account an administrative one? System -> Administration -
> User and Groups will tell you and allows you to change it. You'll
need to use your root password for that, but you can give a username
for making the change too.

From: Ian on
On 22 June, 16:28, Chris Davies <chris-use...(a)> wrote:
> Dave W <davew...(a)> wrote:
> > When I installed from the CD, there was an option to ignore UUID bits
> > on the partition. I do not understand this so did not tick this
> > option.
> I suspect you mean "setuid bit" rather than "UUID bit".

Isn't there an option to have grub do it the old fashioned way rather
than use UUID at startup?


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