From: Georgios Petasis on
Hi all,

I am trying to use tcom in order to analyse a web page with the VIPS
algorithm. The VIPS ActiveX dll can be found at:

This ActiveX dll has the following interface (as returned by
set interface [::tcom::info interface handle]; $interface methods)

2 VOID Initialize {{in I4 dwPara}}
3 VOID Analyze4 {{in DISPATCH pHtmlDoc} {in VARIANT nGranularity}}
4 VOID AnalyzeOutputAll_Text {{in DISPATCH pHtmlDoc} {in VARIANT
5 BSTR getResult {}
6 VOID AnalyzeNews {{in DISPATCH pHtmlDoc} {in VARIANT nGranularity}}
7 VOID AnalyzeImg {{in DISPATCH pHtmlDoc}}

I can succesfully create an instance of this dll:

set analyzer [::tcom::ref createobject PageAnalyzer.LayoutAnalyzer2]
$analyzer Initialize 0

Now, I want to use the Analyze4 method. From an example C++ code that
uses the DLL, I have:
MSHTML::IHTMLDocument2Ptr pHTMLDoc = m_webBrowser.GetDocument();
MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr pFOMPage = m_pLayoutAnalyzer->GetFOMPage();

What I am trying to do, is to pass a document from internet explorer:

set ie [::tcom::ref createobject InternetExplorer.Application]
$ie Navigate2 <some_url>
set document [$ie Document]
$analyzer -method Analyze4 $document 5

The last call returns an error:
0x80004002 {No such interface supported}

Any ideas?

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