From: Rod Speed on
Farts farted
> Rod Speed wrote...
>> Farts farted

>>> If the issue here is whether or not the GPO has a good earth connection,

>> That is just one posssibility.

> What are others?

That something else at that house has an earth problem, that
there is a problem with the neutral or the active, etc etc etc.

> What are we missing here?

In your case anything viable between your ears.

>>> which, going by your guys' views on the PS having a faulty earth detection issue,

>> No one ever said that.

> What, that there is a fault with earth leakage detection?

Yep, no one ever said that.

>>> then testing voltage from Active to Earth using a
>>> Fluke or similar quality meter should prove this.

>> Pity about the other possibilitys.

> Which are?

No point in bothering to list them all, makes a lot more
sense to try the test I specified and move on from the
results of that to a much smaller subset of possibilitys.

>>> If it trips the RCD then you know that it's working.

>> You dont know that there is one.

> If it's a new house as the OP implied

He stated that explicitly.

> then it will have one.

Not necessarily.

From: Marts on
Rod Speed wrote...

> That something else at that house has an earth problem, that
> there is a problem with the neutral or the active, etc etc etc.
> > What are we missing here?
> In your case anything viable between your ears.

At least we share something in common, then.

A simple test with a multimeter, a good one, will determine any problems with
the GPO's wiring or connections.

While it ain't rocket science, it must be for you.
From: keithr on
On 12/02/2010 1:27 AM, XR8 Sprintless wrote:
> I have a customer who I built an I7 - 920 system for which is giving
> problems but only at his residence and does not fail in my workshop.
> The system is running an Intel BLKDX58S0 motherboard with 6gb Ram and a
> Radeon 4850 Video Card. It is powered with a Gigabyte 550W Power Supply.
> It has two Hard Drives in Raid and two DVD Drives.
> Basically the machine simply will not even turn on at his house whilst
> it will turn on in the workshop without an issue. In fact I have turned
> it off and on over 30 times today and it has not failed once.
> At his residence the machine will not turn on at all even with nothing
> connected. I have checked his power supply which is running at 246V AC
> whereas mine runs at 234V. The wiring is correct.
> I have swapped power supplies in an effort to resolve this issue but
> that did not make any difference, the machine still would not turn on at
> all.
> Anyone have any sensible suggestions as to what else I could check?
It is probably a stupid questions, but you are using the same power cord
at both locations aren't you?
From: Swampfox on
Rod Speed wrote:
> Farts farted
>> Rod Speed wrote...
>>> Farts farted
>>>> If the issue here is whether or not the GPO has a good earth
>>>> connection,
>>> That is just one posssibility.
>> What are others?
> That something else at that house has an earth problem, that
> there is a problem with the neutral or the active, etc etc etc.
>> What are we missing here?
> In your case anything viable between your ears.
>>>> which, going by your guys' views on the PS having a faulty earth
>>>> detection issue,
>>> No one ever said that.
>> What, that there is a fault with earth leakage detection?
> Yep, no one ever said that.
>>>> then testing voltage from Active to Earth using a
>>>> Fluke or similar quality meter should prove this.
>>> Pity about the other possibilitys.
>> Which are?
> No point in bothering to list them all, makes a lot more
> sense to try the test I specified and move on from the
> results of that to a much smaller subset of possibilitys.
>>>> If it trips the RCD then you know that it's working.
>>> You dont know that there is one.
>> If it's a new house as the OP implied
> He stated that explicitly.
>> then it will have one.
> Not necessarily.

Yep, necessarily.

From: Rod Speed on
Swampfuckwit wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> Farts farted
>>> Rod Speed wrote...
>>>> Farts farted

>>>>> If the issue here is whether or not the GPO has a good earth connection,

>>>> That is just one posssibility.

>>> What are others?

>> That something else at that house has an earth problem, that
>> there is a problem with the neutral or the active, etc etc etc.

>>> What are we missing here?

>> In your case anything viable between your ears.

>>>>> which, going by your guys' views on the PS having a faulty earth detection issue,

>>>> No one ever said that.

>>> What, that there is a fault with earth leakage detection?

>> Yep, no one ever said that.

>>>>> then testing voltage from Active to Earth using a
>>>>> Fluke or similar quality meter should prove this.

>>>> Pity about the other possibilitys.

>>> Which are?

>> No point in bothering to list them all, makes a lot more
>> sense to try the test I specified and move on from the
>> results of that to a much smaller subset of possibilitys.

>>>>> If it trips the RCD then you know that it's working.

>>>> You dont know that there is one.

>>> If it's a new house as the OP implied

>> He stated that explicitly.

>>> then it will have one.

>> Not necessarily.

> Yep, necessarily.

You are wrong, as always.

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