From: Brian Roach Brian on
I have a project where I need to run vbscripts which create a SOAP message
structured to be consumed by a Web Service. The service requires a SSL
client certificate as well for authentication. I've been doing nothing but
reading on the three objects listed above, and I can't figure out which one
is going to be the best to use.

Here are the specifics...
THe script will be run on a variety of local client machines, through one
exposed IP address on our network.

Their are 4 different SOAP Request Responses that I need to code, they all
will share the same url, and the SOAP action will determine what happens at
the other end.

HEre is a sample of my initial setup:

Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0") "POST", SoapServer, False
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "MessageType", "CALL"
"LOCAL_MACHINE\My\<Cert Common Name>"
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
xmlhttp.SetRequestHeader "SOAPAction", TheSoapActionRequired

We dont yet have the SSL certs installed or purchased, so what I'm doing
right now is trying to get a jump on making sure I'm making the right
decisions on which objects to use in the script. I do not have an option to
use any other scripting language, as vbscript is a requirement.

I started down the road of using xmls2.serverxmlhttp.6 only because it
seemed pretty straight forward as to how to assign the certificate...however,
in my reading I've run across articles which suggest that since this is being
run on individual client machines instead of a server, maybe I should be
using xmls2.xmlhttp..and yet others saying I should use

So, can anyone steer me in the right direction here, based on the generic
specs of the project? THanks!