From: Andrew Swallow on
glen herrmannsfeldt wrote:

> As for generally doing no harm, I think you would have to exclude all
> floating point arithmetic operations, as they tend to do harm more
> often than one would like.

Do we still need floating point operations? Could they be replaced
by say 128 bit fixed point variables - Sign bit, 63 bit integer and 64
bit fraction?

Andrew Swallow
From: Gary Scott on
glen herrmannsfeldt wrote:
> Gary Scott wrote:
> (snip)
>>> And surely a suffix ".f" (which I saw as advice to someone in this
>>> forum) is equivalent to the normal ".for" to indicate a fixed-format
>>> program to an F90 compiler ?
>> That wouldn't apply to some OS though that don't have a concept of a
>> file name "suffix".
> Older DEC OSs, later adapted by DOS, had the suffix as part of the file
> system. Some allowed for a six character file name and a three
> character extension. For VAX/VMS the shortest possible file name is .;
> For unix, it was convention to add a . suffix to names, but to the
> system . was just another character. If . was not a legal character,
> one could find another separator, or specify that the last character
> of the name was the indicating suffix.

Wouldn't work on VM or VOS unless you adopted a very shortened name
part. VM has a filetype, but the separation character is a space:

"copyfile filename filetype filemode (space separated list of options"

> -- glen


Gary Scott
mailto:garylscott(a)sbcglobal dot net

Fortran Library:

Support the Original G95 Project:
Support the GNU GFortran Project:

Why are there two? God only knows.

If you want to do the impossible, don't hire an expert because he knows
it can't be done.

-- Henry Ford
From: Walter Spector on
"William J. Leary Jr." wrote:
> "Terence" <tbwright(a)> wrote in message
> news:1161472385.953880.177910(a)
> > My memory is that at least one of the earlier Fortran compilers
> > I worked with allowed SIX-letter variable names only in the main
> > program.And FIVE-letter names as variables in subroutines and
> > functions.
> This sounds vaguely familiar to me. I used FORTRAN (when it was still all
> uppercase) on DG, DEC and [[some other]] computers back in the late 70's and
> early 80's. One of them, I can't recall which, had some limitation like that.

The Fortran compiler on the 16-bit Data General Eclipse system, running
the AOS operating system, only supported 5 character variable names.
It was a major annoyance on an otherwise very nice machine: I really
liked AOS, and it was a lot faster than DEC machines of the day. (Well,
maybe not faster than the 11/70.)

DG finally released a compiler which supported longer names sometime in 1979.
IIRC, they took the opportunity to go 'all the way' to 8 characters.

From: Gary Scott on
Walter Spector wrote:

> "William J. Leary Jr." wrote:
>>"Terence" <tbwright(a)> wrote in message
>>>My memory is that at least one of the earlier Fortran compilers
>>>I worked with allowed SIX-letter variable names only in the main
>>>program.And FIVE-letter names as variables in subroutines and
>>This sounds vaguely familiar to me. I used FORTRAN (when it was still all
>>uppercase) on DG, DEC and [[some other]] computers back in the late 70's and
>>early 80's. One of them, I can't recall which, had some limitation like that.
> The Fortran compiler on the 16-bit Data General Eclipse system, running
> the AOS operating system, only supported 5 character variable names.

Hmm, I think that's the one I first learned assembly on in
school...later the 8085 and the 6800 were taught in the same class.

> It was a major annoyance on an otherwise very nice machine: I really
> liked AOS, and it was a lot faster than DEC machines of the day. (Well,
> maybe not faster than the 11/70.)
> DG finally released a compiler which supported longer names sometime in 1979.
> IIRC, they took the opportunity to go 'all the way' to 8 characters.
> Walt


Gary Scott
mailto:garylscott(a)sbcglobal dot net

Fortran Library:

Support the Original G95 Project:
Support the GNU GFortran Project:

Why are there two? God only knows.

If you want to do the impossible, don't hire an expert because he knows
it can't be done.

-- Henry Ford
From: Rostyslaw J. Lewyckyj on
Richard Steiner wrote:
> Here in alt.folklore.computers,
> Gary Scott <garylscott(a)> spake unto us, saying:
>>Richard Steiner wrote:
>>>I've worked with the 6-character limit since 1988, and I still find it
>>>easier to read the variable names in those older FORTRAN programs than
>>>I do in the newer C++ code I have to support because the FORTRAN folks
>>>were *far* more disciplined in their variable naming conventions.
>>I tend to agree in that I never had much difficulty with 6 character
>>names because there was considerable discipline used in the naming
>>conventions we used. However, moderately increasing the lengths beyond
>>6 does provide a modest improvement in readability and you can still use
>>a disciplined approach to your naming convention with increased
> Yes, I could see 10 or 12 characters being quite useful, but things get
> tedious to type quite quickly. :-(
> Even eight (8) characters would be an improvement, though.
I don't get it. Even if 128 character variable names are allowed,
that doesn't mean that all, or any of the names you chose to use
MUST be 128 characters long!