From: Tamer Higazi on
Hi people!
I habe in a linux machine 2 NIC .

NIC 1 -> broadcast netmask"
attached to NIC1 is one DSL Modem.

Question 1:
How will I have to configure nic 2 that both networks don't bite each

Question 2:
How will the clients behind NIC2 (connected to a switch) to be configured?

From: Bit Twister on
On Thu, 08 Apr 2010 23:56:10 +0200, Tamer Higazi wrote:
> Hi people!
> I habe in a linux machine 2 NIC .
> NIC 1 -> broadcast netmask"
> attached to NIC1 is one DSL Modem.
> Question 1:
> How will I have to configure nic 2 that both networks don't bite each
> other.

Put nic 2 in another network, example: 192.168.4.x and give nic 1 as
nic 2's gateway. Be sure to enable net ipv4 forwarding.

> Question 2:
> How will the clients behind NIC2 (connected to a switch) to be configured?

Give them 192.168.4.x ip addresses with nic 2 as their gateway.
From: unruh on
On 2010-04-08, Tamer Higazi <no(a)> wrote:
> Hi people!
> I habe in a linux machine 2 NIC .
> NIC 1 ->
> attached to NIC1 is one DSL Modem.
> Question 1:
> NIC2 has which address? And how do I configure the CPU's connected at
> NIC2 (through a switch)?!

You tell us.
ifconfig -a

It is up to you what address you give it. (or up to the dhcp server if
you are using that).

> Tamer
From: Mark Hobley on
Tamer Higazi <no(a)> wrote:
> Question 1:
> How will I have to configure nic 2 that both networks don't bite each
> other.
> Question 2:
> How will the clients behind NIC2 (connected to a switch) to be configured?

You need to create a small subnet. If you want some information about this,
try googling for "creating a subnet".


Mark Hobley
Linux User: #370818

From: Tamer Higazi on
My config:

# This network configuration was written by net-setup

config_eth0=(" broadcast netmask")
config_eth3=(" broadcast netmask")


and if i configure a client behind eth3 let us say with:, gw: and nameserver:

i stil even can't jump with the client in the internet. Ip forwarding is
activated and masquerading too

Here te firehol (firewall) script:

server_skypeserv_ports="tcp/9082 udp/9082 tcp/23399 udp/23399"
client_skypeserv_ports="default 23399"

masquerade ppp+

interface eth+ lan
policy accept

interface ppp+ world
protection strong 10/sec 10
server http accept
server https accept
server icmp accept
server skypeserv accept
client all accept

router world2lan inface ppp+ outface eth+
client all accept

router lan2lan inface eth+ outface eth+
route all accept

however, I can't jump with the client in the internet. I can ping to the
other machine, but not in the internet. The hell I know why :(

For any advises, I would thank you kindly.


Am 09.04.2010 01:20, schrieb Bit Twister:
> On Thu, 08 Apr 2010 23:56:10 +0200, Tamer Higazi wrote:
>> Hi people!
>> I habe in a linux machine 2 NIC .
>> NIC 1 -> broadcast netmask"
>> attached to NIC1 is one DSL Modem.
>> Question 1:
>> How will I have to configure nic 2 that both networks don't bite each
>> other.
> Put nic 2 in another network, example: 192.168.4.x and give nic 1 as
> nic 2's gateway. Be sure to enable net ipv4 forwarding.
>> Question 2:
>> How will the clients behind NIC2 (connected to a switch) to be configured?
> Give them 192.168.4.x ip addresses with nic 2 as their gateway.