Next: error 0x80040107
From: david tersak on
Im gettin gthis error running exmerge against exchange 2003. I've reviewed
all the permission settings eg. send as / receive as. That is outlined in
several trouble shooting documents. any thing else I can look at?

Error opening message store (EMS). Verify that the Microsoft Exchange
Information Store service is running and that you have the correct
permissions to log on. - 0x8004011d ( (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer))
[11:39:12] Error getting list of mailboxes on server 'EXCHANGE'
[11:39:12] Error encountered getting mailbox information from the private
information store database(s) on server 'EXCHANGE'. Make sure you have
adequate permissions on the Information Store object. Please refer to the
'ExMerge.log' log file for more information.

David Tersak
K2 Inc
From: Artie on
The account being used to run Exmerge needs to have "Full Mailbox
Access" to each mailbox you are merging in both the export and import
store. the reason for this is because exmerge actually uses MAPI to
connect and 'read" and "copy" the contents. the exmerge function is
similar to using Outlook to connect to the mailbox and export the
contents to a PST file. Also, if you are inheriting denies form
anything, exmerge will fail

Also, if the account you are trying to exmerge is disabled or locked,
exmerge will fail to be able to access the mailbox.

Basically, your Exmerge Account is not a member of Enterprise or Domain
Admins, but has a higher level of access and rights to Exchange stores
than your standard Exchange administrator account.

david tersak wrote:
> Im gettin gthis error running exmerge against exchange 2003. I've reviewed
> all the permission settings eg. send as / receive as. That is outlined in
> several trouble shooting documents. any thing else I can look at?
> Error opening message store (EMS). Verify that the Microsoft Exchange
> Information Store service is running and that you have the correct
> permissions to log on. - 0x8004011d ( (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer))
> [11:39:12] Error getting list of mailboxes on server 'EXCHANGE'
> [11:39:12] Error encountered getting mailbox information from the private
> information store database(s) on server 'EXCHANGE'. Make sure you have
> adequate permissions on the Information Store object. Please refer to the
> 'ExMerge.log' log file for more information.
From: david tersak on
Thanks Artie, The account has full access to the stores and I pushed the
rights to the mailboxes. the error pops up when exmerge is building the
mailbox list. I can also say the the exchange server is also the Domain
controller. do you have another direction to look in?
David Tersak
K2 Inc

"Artie" wrote:

> The account being used to run Exmerge needs to have "Full Mailbox
> Access" to each mailbox you are merging in both the export and import
> store. the reason for this is because exmerge actually uses MAPI to
> connect and 'read" and "copy" the contents. the exmerge function is
> similar to using Outlook to connect to the mailbox and export the
> contents to a PST file. Also, if you are inheriting denies form
> anything, exmerge will fail
> Also, if the account you are trying to exmerge is disabled or locked,
> exmerge will fail to be able to access the mailbox.
> Basically, your Exmerge Account is not a member of Enterprise or Domain
> Admins, but has a higher level of access and rights to Exchange stores
> than your standard Exchange administrator account.
> david tersak wrote:
> > Im gettin gthis error running exmerge against exchange 2003. I've reviewed
> > all the permission settings eg. send as / receive as. That is outlined in
> > several trouble shooting documents. any thing else I can look at?
> >
> > Error opening message store (EMS). Verify that the Microsoft Exchange
> > Information Store service is running and that you have the correct
> > permissions to log on. - 0x8004011d ( (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer))
> > [11:39:12] Error getting list of mailboxes on server 'EXCHANGE'
> > [11:39:12] Error encountered getting mailbox information from the private
> > information store database(s) on server 'EXCHANGE'. Make sure you have
> > adequate permissions on the Information Store object. Please refer to the
> > 'ExMerge.log' log file for more information.
> >
From: Artie on
OK - Silly question, but can you, logged in as your exmerge account,
create an Outlook Profile to a mailbox on the store you get the error
from, and connect to the mailbox? If so, this is a really peculiar

When you say you "pushed the rights to the mailboxes", did you do this
through the exchange System manager? I am assuming yes...

Try going into the Active Directory users & Computers tool, locating a
user w/a mailbox on the store in question, going into the Exchange
Advanced/Mailbox Rights - and verifying the exmerge account actually has
the "Full Mailbox Access" right - if it is missing this right, your
exmerge can not access the mailbox. From that point it is probably safe
to assume the exmerge account is missing this right from all mailboxes
in the store, so it could never enumerate the store.

Are you using Exmerge's logging function? If so, you can examin the log
and I would bet that you will find it errors on each mailbox in the store...

let me know


david tersak wrote:
> Thanks Artie, The account has full access to the stores and I pushed the
> rights to the mailboxes. the error pops up when exmerge is building the
> mailbox list. I can also say the the exchange server is also the Domain
> controller. do you have another direction to look in?
From: david tersak on
Artie, thanks for the response. I double checked permissions via AD and the
account I'm using to run Exmerge has full access. I turned on the Ex.log to
max please take a look

Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Merge Program, v6.5.7529.0
Start Logging:December 05, 2005 07:23:53
[07:23:53] Logging Level: Maximum
[07:23:53] Reading settings from file 'C:\Program
[07:23:53] Merge action read from .INI file: 0
[07:23:53] DomainControllerForSourceServer read from INI file: ''
[07:23:53] SrcServerLDAP-Port read from INI file: ''
[07:23:53] Source server name read from .INI file: ''.
[07:23:53] DomainControllerForDestServer read from INI file: ''
[07:23:53] SrcServerLDAP-Port read from INI file: ''
[07:23:53] Destination server name read from .INI file: ''.
[07:23:53] Message selection start date read from .INI file: ''.
[07:23:53] Reading list of subjects for messages to be selected from file ''
[07:23:53] Subject string match criteria read from INI file:
[07:23:53] Reading list of attachment names for messages to be selected from
file ''
[07:23:53] Attachment name string match criteria read from INI file:
[07:23:53] Folder process setting read from .INI file: 2
[07:23:53] Apply to sub folders setting, read from .INI file: 0
[07:23:53] List of folders to be ignored has been read. 0 folders in the list.
[07:23:53] DelimiterUsedInMailboxFile setting read from .INI file: 0
[07:23:53] File containing list of mailboxes, read from .INI file: ''.
[07:23:53] Remove intermediate PST files setting read from .INI file: 1
[07:23:53] Date attribute read from .INI file: 0
[07:23:53] Data import method read from .INI file: 1
[07:23:53] ReplaceDataOnlyIfSourceItemIsMoreRecent setting read from .INI
file: 1
[07:23:53] Copy user data setting read from .INI file: 1
[07:23:53] Copy associated folder data setting read from .INI file: 0
[07:23:53] Copy folder permissions setting read from .INI file: 0
[07:23:53] Copy dumpster items setting read from .INI file: 0
[07:23:53] UseThisPSTFileForAllMailboxes setting read from .INI file: ''
[07:23:53] MapFolderNameToLocalisedName setting read from .INI file: 0
[07:23:53] RenameFoldersBasedOnFolderMappings setting read from INI file: 0
[07:23:53] RenameSpecialFolders setting read from INI file: 1
[07:23:53] Default Locale read from INI file:
[07:23:53] UseLastLogonLocaleID setting read from INI file: 1
[07:23:53] Current machine locale ID is 0x409
[07:23:53] Command line received:
[07:23:53] Processor architecture: Intel
[07:23:53] Operating System Version 5.2 (Build 3790)
[07:24:05] Entered Routine:
[07:24:05] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[07:24:05] BaseDN: 'LDAP://EXCHANGE/rootDSE'
[07:24:05] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[07:24:05] Default Naming Context:
[07:24:05] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[07:24:05] BaseDN: 'LDAP://rootDSE'
[07:24:05] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[07:24:05] Default Naming Context:
[07:24:05] Accessing Domain Controller 'EXCHANGE'
[07:24:05] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo)
[07:24:05] BaseDN: 'LDAP://EXCHANGE/CN=Microsoft
[07:24:05] Got IDirectorySearch interface
[07:24:05] Set search preferences
[07:24:05] Filter used:
[07:24:05] Successfully executed directory search
[07:24:05] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo)
[07:24:05] 'EXCHANGE' is running Exchange Server 2000 or later
[07:24:05] Ending Routine:
[07:24:05] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerStorageGroupInfo)
[07:24:05] BaseDN: 'GC://CN=InformationStore,CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=First
Administrative Group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=K2 Inc,CN=Microsoft
[07:24:05] Got IDirectorySearch interface
[07:24:05] Set search preferences
[07:24:05] Filter used: '(objectClass=msexchPrivateMDB)'
[07:24:05] Successfully executed directory search
[07:24:05] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerStorageGroupInfo)
[07:24:08] Entered Routine:
[07:24:09] Mailbox '/o=K2 Inc/ou=First Administrative
(EXCHANGE)/cn={B40754CF-6037-4A13-87EA-6A538E70ED91}' will be ignored as its
DN contains strings in the ignore list
[07:24:09] Mailbox '/o=K2 Inc/ou=First Administrative
will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list
[07:24:09] Found 38 mailbox(es) homed on database 'THIRD STORAGE GROUP/K2 -
[07:24:09] Ignored 2 mailbox(es) homed on database 'THIRD STORAGE GROUP/K2 -
[07:24:09] Found 38 mailbox(es) homed on the specified databases.
[07:24:09] Ignored 2 mailbox(es) homed on the specified databases.
[07:24:09] Ending Routine:
[07:24:09] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[07:24:09] Entered Routine:
[07:24:09] Entered Routine:
[07:24:09] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::HackMapiSvcInfForSA)
[07:24:10] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::HackMapiSvcInfForSA)
[07:24:10] Ending Routine:
[07:24:10] Ending Routine:
[07:24:10] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[07:24:10] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon)
[07:24:10] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[07:24:10] Successfully initialized MAPI.
[07:24:10] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[07:24:10] MAPI Logon successful.
[07:24:10] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon)
[07:24:10] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer)
[07:24:10] Getting list of mailboxes on the server.
[07:24:10] Found default store.
[07:24:10] Error opening message store (EMS). Verify that the Microsoft
Exchange Information Store service is running and that you have the correct
permissions to log on. - 0x8004011d ( (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer))
[07:24:10] Error getting list of mailboxes on server 'EXCHANGE'
[07:24:10] Finished getting list of mailboxes.
[07:24:10] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer)
[07:24:10] Session logoff successful.
[07:24:10] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile)
[07:24:10] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile)
[07:24:10] Error encountered getting mailbox information from the private
information store database(s) on server 'EXCHANGE'. Make sure you have
adequate permissions on the Information Store object. Please refer to the
'ExMerge.log' log file for more information.
[07:24:14] MAPI uninitialized.
David Tersak
K2 Inc

"Artie" wrote:

> OK - Silly question, but can you, logged in as your exmerge account,
> create an Outlook Profile to a mailbox on the store you get the error
> from, and connect to the mailbox? If so, this is a really peculiar
> problem...
> When you say you "pushed the rights to the mailboxes", did you do this
> through the exchange System manager? I am assuming yes...
> Try going into the Active Directory users & Computers tool, locating a
> user w/a mailbox on the store in question, going into the Exchange
> Advanced/Mailbox Rights - and verifying the exmerge account actually has
> the "Full Mailbox Access" right - if it is missing this right, your
> exmerge can not access the mailbox. From that point it is probably safe
> to assume the exmerge account is missing this right from all mailboxes
> in the store, so it could never enumerate the store.
> Are you using Exmerge's logging function? If so, you can examin the log
> and I would bet that you will find it errors on each mailbox in the store...
> let me know
> Artie
> david tersak wrote:
> > Thanks Artie, The account has full access to the stores and I pushed the
> > rights to the mailboxes. the error pops up when exmerge is building the
> > mailbox list. I can also say the the exchange server is also the Domain
> > controller. do you have another direction to look in?
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