From: zachariahdent on
I want to create a simple tree for use in a genealogy application by inputting
data by xml file. I saw a tutorial on how to do this without actionscript
coding, just by inputting values in the parameters dialogs. Can someone direct
me to a tutorial like that or possible telling me how to do it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

From: FlashTastic on
There's a good one at, although it uses a bit of actionscript, but it's explained well and pretty straightforward.


From: zachariahdent on
Thanks for replying. After a lot of searching I finally found my lost URL
This is it:
I just used the first part of the tutorial as I wasn't interested in
customizing the component. They use a tree component and an Xmlconnector
component and set the binding for it. That's about it except for one
lilltle-bitty snip of code: xml_conn.trigger();

If you are satisfied with the default tree you don't need all that
actionscript to achieve it!