From: Luc Moulinier on
Hello !

I'm trying to write a new widget using the Tk C API. For the moment,
I'm training with the API. I encounter a problem with fonts.
To set a font in a GC, I tried two things :
- proper Tk : (according to man pages)
Tk_Font tkfont;
Font myfont;
tkfont = Tk_GetFont(squarePtr->interp, tkwin, "-adobe-courier-bold-
myfont = Tk_FontId(tkfont);

- using xlib :
Font myfont;
myfont = XLoadFont(Tk_Display(tkwin), "-adobe-courier-bold-r-

and then :
XGCValues gcv;
gcv.function = GXcopy;
gcv.graphics_exposures = False;
gcv.font = myfont;
gcv.foreground = Tk_GetColor(squarePtr->interp, tkwin, "cyan")-

squarePtr->gc = Tk_GetGC(tkwin,GCFunction|GCGraphicsExposures|
GCFont|GCForeground, &gcv);

Note the selected font is Courier 24 bold.
The "xlib" way does the right thing. Using Tk form, the size of the
font seems correct (width and height), but the draw characters are not
of size 24.

Can someone give me some explanations and solutions ?

Many newbie thanks !!
From: Luc Moulinier on
To precise : working with Tcl/Tk 8.5.8 under Linux (redhat)
