From: Hector Santos on
Jochen Kalmbach [MVP] wrote:

> Hi Rahul!
>> But the question is, the flags are getting changed only when we are
>> doing Ctrl+C (copy action) inside the file open dialog shown by
>> GetOpenFileName. This looks strange..
> This is quite "normal"... If you open the "FileOpenDialog", then all
> shell extensions get loaded in *your* process... and one of this
> extensions seems to change the floating-point control wird ;)
> This is a "normal" bug...

So he needs to reset it after returning from FileOpenDialog()?


From: Jochen Kalmbach [MVP] on
Hi Hector!

>> This is a "normal" bug...
> So he needs to reset it after returning from FileOpenDialog()?
> Interesting.

I have seens many "shell extensions" and other "hook-dlls" which change
the floating point settings.

From my point of view: It is unpossible to detect if the settings where
changed... the design of the floating-point-control word is the main
problem... if there were nothing to change/control, then there would be
no problem...

In general, there is no good rule to prevent changes or to garantee the
correct executing of your floating point opertion except:

// Set MY control word...
// Execute floating point operation...


My blog about Win32 and .NET
From: Rahul on
On Apr 17, 8:56 pm, "Jochen Kalmbach [MVP]" <nospam-n...(a)kalmbach-> wrote:
> Hi Hector!
> >> This is a "normal" bug...
> > So he needs to reset it after returning from FileOpenDialog()?
> > Interesting.
> I have seens many "shell extensions" and other "hook-dlls" which change
> the floating point settings.
>  From my point of view: It is unpossible to detect if the settings where
> changed... the design of the floating-point-control word is the main
> problem... if there were nothing to change/control, then there would be
> no problem...
> In general, there is no good rule to prevent changes or to garantee the
> correct executing of your floating point opertion except:
> // Set MY control word...
> // Execute floating point operation...
> --
> Greetings
>    Jochen
>     My blog about Win32 and .NET

Thanks Jochen,
That was very helpful, now we understand the exact reason.
We will try to prevent all dived by zero in the code, to be on the
safer side :-)

Thanks again