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The biggest trend in IT careers is certification. You see it
everywhere you look... certification books dominate the bookstores,
classroom training now guarantees a "pass," and IT professionals even
sign their emails with a list of their "certs."

Certification has arrived, no question. But as a DB2® professional,
should you certify? Will it increase your abilities or help your
career? How can you do it quickly and inexpensively? That last thought
is key -- knowing the inside story on DB2 certification before you
proceed will save you a ton of time, stress and money. This article
tells you what you need to know to decide if DB2 certification is for
you, and if so, the secrets to doing it successfully, quickly and

Is certification "worth it"?
First, understand that an entire industry profits from certification.
Trainers sell certification-oriented courseware, consultants push
training, publishers market books, and vendors sell all the above. The
upshot is that you can't take most articles on certification at face
value. Let's take a different tack. We'll try to look at the issue
objectively, strictly from the IT professional's standpoint.http://

Why certify? Some do it for the challenge of demonstrating their
knowledge, or for the inner satisfaction that comes from mastery of
the material. Whether a "certified DB2 developer" is better than one
that is not certified is, to say the least, highly debatable. What we
can say for sure is that if you certify you'll end up knowing more
about DB2 than you did when you started.

Many certify for career benefits. If you view it this way, you need

Certify with a product that has major marketshare (and is on the
Investigate the marketability of the specific cert in which you're
On the first point, DB2 is the right choice. Most analysts agree that
IBM has taken the lead in the database market away from Oracle . For
example, Figure 1 shows recent figures from Gartner Dataquest .

First Exam Experiences
Some Struggle…
"My first exam was a total disaster… and I really studied! I’m not so
sure about this certification thing anymore..." - Bob K., database
"It’s was completely, totally impossible. Nobody knows all that stuff!
I’ll never know how I passed. Maybe a higher power guided my mouse." -
Chris P., DB2 developer

Some Soar…
"It was pretty much what I expected… not difficult if you were ready.
I’m sure glad I asked around and got on the forums first." - Rajni P.,
database administrator.
"Piece of cake.. well, not quite that easy, but really not that bad if
you knew what to expect. How could anybody not?" - Reilly C.,

Why ?
What these widely-varying experiences show is that before taking your
first certification exam, you need to plug into what to study and how
to study. The candidate who learns about the process from others who
have been through it, who has worked with the right resources and
taken the right practice tests is light-years ahead of those who have
not. A few hours of orientation up front can make the certification
process easier, more effective, and ultimately more successful.
Sharing this information is the purpose of this article.

DB2 marketshare continues to expand. How did IBM pull off such a feat
in a "mature" market? The company bought Informix® for one billion
dollars and shrewdly invested another billion in the Linux
marketplace, positioning DB2 as the leading database on this exploding
platform . But the real reason may be what I learned while doing an
informal survey of the database market last year. One manager after
another told me: "DB2's features and technology are second to none,
yet it costs way less than Oracle."

Since database marketshare varies by platform, which platform you work
on should factor into your decision. DB2 completely dominates on
mainframes and the IBM e-server® iSeriesTM (AS/400), with over 90% of
the database marketshare for each. IBM comes in a strong second in
UNIX® database marketshare, and a distant but growing third on
Windows® Server. Data for Linux is sketchy, but DB2 appears dominant
among the commercial databases .

The most practical way to verify the marketability of a certification
is simply to check out job ads on the Web. Do they mention it? And
when they do, is it considered preferable or a job requirement? Few
ads today specifically mention DB2 certification. This likely reflects
of the newness of the DB2 certification program more than anything
else. Given the investment IBM is making in the database market and
the statistical trends cited above, the most likely scenario is that
DB2 certification becomes increasingly valuable as a career

Whether you can enhance your career through certification depends on
how you approach it. Here are examples from my own experience where IT
pros have leveraged certification to their benefit:

A DB2 programmer wanted to shift into database administration. Getting
her DBA cert bagged her the transfer.
A DB2 developer was great with JavaTM but felt too narrow because he
didn't know about other approaches to DB2 application development.
Getting the "developer" cert gave him the breadth he needed.
A stay-at-home mom wanted to reenter the workforce after a 10-year
absence. She got certified and successfully leveraged this as "proof
of currency" for her skills.
A new college grad desperately wanted to be a DBA but only received
programming job offers. He proved his devotion to his goal by
certifying as a DB2 DBA, which led to an entry-level DBA position.
A mature database veteran realized he needed to update his skills.
Certifying both did this for him and supplied the proof. Age
discrimination? His certification is as current as anyone else's.

Benefits must be weighed against costs. Discussion on popular
certification web sites like and Certification
Magazine indicate that most IT pros take from two to five weeks
studying for each test. You'll also have to take an "update" test as
new DB2 releases come out, once every couple years, to remain current.
The dollar costs can potentially run into the thousands of dollars per
cert, but as we discuss below, you can certify for little more than
the cost of a few books, if you know how (my DB2 DBA cert cost me less
than $150). Finally, consider the "opportunity cost" of certification.
What other use would you make of the time you would spend certifying
if you did not certify? Some might prefer non-directed, serendipitous
learning or extending their knowledge into entirely new areas.

As a contractor, I've directly benefited from certification. It gives
me instant credibility with potential employers who've never met me
and serves as my trump card for contractor interviews. It deals me an
Ace in today’s extremely competitive job market.

Employers desperately want some standard measurement to quickly
separate qualified from unqualified candidates. Fair or not, they've
adopted IT certifications as that yardstick. There is little question
that DB2 certification can help your career, but ultimately each
person must decide for him or herself whether it's worth the time and