From: Jacob Wall on
On 16/05/2010 4:17 AM, bojan zajc wrote:
> Please help me.
> I write coordinates in to the program GEOPRO on my PC in next form
> (number,y,x,height). And a send this file to my HP-50g. On my HP i
> change file format to LIST format. For my work i need two more
> atributes. I want to know how can i add two colums behind heigh so i
> will have the next form (number,y,x,heigh,atr1,atr2). tnx for your
> answers. GEOBOY


A little more info would be helpful, but here's something based on the
following assumptions:
1. You have a list, just one list of all values like:
{ 1 100 100 100 2 200 200 200 3 300 300 300 }
2. You want a list, again just one list of all your values, but instead:
{ 1 100 100 100 atr1 atr2 2 200 200 200 atr1 atr2 3 300 300 300 atr1
atr2 }

Like already suggested, the COL+ can be helpful, first you need to
convert your list into array. The program below assumes again.
1. You have a list on your calculator stored as 'list'
2. You have attributes stored as 'atr1' and 'atr2'

\<< list LIST\-> 4. / DUP \-> rows
\<< 4. 2. \->LIST \->ARRY atr1 rows NDUPN 1. 2. \->LIST \->ARRY 5.
COL+ atr2 rows NDUPN 1. 2. \->LIST \->ARRY 6. COL+ ARRY\-> LIST\-> DROP
* \->LIST

It is necessary for the above program to work that you have a list that
is evenly divisible by 4 to start with.


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