From: Arne Vajhøj on
On 29-04-2010 17:22, Tony Johansson wrote:
> Here I have some code from an example from MSDN.
> What I don't fully understand here is how is it possible to pass an object
> of type StringBuilder and receive this parameter in the
> windows API as an LPTSTR ?
> Documentation for Win32 GetShortPathName() API Function
> // DWORD GetShortPathName(
> // LPCTSTR lpszLongPath, // file for which to get short path
> // LPTSTR lpszShortPath, // short path name (output)
> // DWORD cchBuffer // size of output buffer
> // );
> [DllImport("Kernel32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
> static extern Int32 GetShortPathName(
> String path, // input string
> StringBuilder shortPath, // output string
> Int32 shortPathLength); // StringBuilder.Capacity

The function returns a "string".

System.String is immutable.

System.Text.StringBuilder seems as a good choice for
returning a "string" in.

Do you have any better suggestions?

Technically the glue that .NET uses knows how to
handle a StringBuilder.
