From: IT STAFF on
1. I've windows 2003 DC that contains TS license server.
2. A few of the windows 2003 member server are installed with terminal
services (though they are not using it, but it gets instsalled)


a) If i remove member server terminal services, it says "Program installed
after Terminal Server installation might need to re-install". But the member
server only contains database and usually admnistrators RDP in. No clients
login. So is it SAFE to remove ?

b) windows 2003 Member server terminal services configuration, its shows
"License server discovery mode" to Automatic, does it mean that this member
server is "already" using my DC that contains TS license ?

c) How can i determine "whether" windows 2003 member server is USING MY TS
LICENSE server (which is a dc)

d) Is there a way to view how many "tokens" are taken by a particular
windows 2003 member server that has terminal services installed ?